Chapter Seven

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Alice and I jumped into the Chronosphere and raced to Horenvendish Day. After we landed on the ground and Alice grabbed the Chronosphere, Alice and I ran around trying to find the Hightopps. We stopped and watched everyone run away in fear as the Jabberwocky set fire to everything. 

Alice looked down a clearing and grabbed my arm and yelled over the noise, "Adrian! Look!" I looked over to see the Hightopps running away, but eventually being cut off.  I yank Alice back as the Jabberwocky sets the ground on fire in front of us. I gasp as we watch Red cards surround the Hightopps and drag them off to the Red Queen's castle, "She took them. As revenge." 

We duck as the Jabberwocky comes for us and we watch as Iracebeth flies off. Alice looked at me in determination, "Next Time." I nodded and as soon as the Chronosphere hit the ground, we were in it to head back to our correct time. 

"I'll go find Hatter, you go get your wife," Alice kissed my cheek and we ran to our locations. I ran up the stairs to the twins' room and slammed open the door. "Daddy!" Madison and Mason yelled and ran to me, hugging me. I smiled and kissed them both repetitively. "Adrian!" I looked up very quickly to see Mirana in tears. I frowned, "What happened?" 

Mirana sobs, "Hatter, he." I teared up and hugged her tightly as the twins cried and held our legs. I crouched, bringing Mirana down with me to hold the twins. "I love you guys so much," I kissed them all on the forehead. 

Alice and Hatter busted into the room and I smiled, hugging the newly revived Tarrant, "You feeling better friend?" Tarrant laughed madly, "Never better. Your Majesties and highnesses. We have to go save my family from the Red Queen." 

I grinned and felt Mirana grab my collar, "Why hello, Prince Adrian. The way you defend my sister all those years ago." I blushed as she dipped me and kissed my face. I could hear the twins run out in disgust and Hatter and Alice laughed, "Let's go lovebirds!" I sighed lovestruck as we all ran out to head to Iracebeth's banishment location. 

Mirana and I held on to each of the twins as we ride our horses beside the Tweedles' bike and the Bandersnatch where Tarrant and Alice were riding on. I saw Iracebeth's red heart castle and I looked at Madison and Mason, "You two will stay with your mother and me, understood?" Madison and Mason nod, completely fine with staying with us. We told the twins about their Aunt and her actions. Needless to say, the twins aren't very happy with their aunt's actions. 

Mirana looked at me with anger and we both got off our horses, heading for the front door. "Adrian, my love, please don't get caught by her. I don't want to see her kiss you," Mirana said holding my hand. I kissed her temple and the twins stood on either side of us. Mally pulled her sword out, "Split up!" 

My family and I walked down the center hallway and up some stairs, "Hightopps? Hightopps!" Mirana opened a set of doors, "Hightopps?" Some creatures grabbed all of us and lifted us in the air and flew off. "Get the fu-" I yelled and struggled.

*Alice's POV*

Tarrant and I ran up the longest set of stairs and I shouted to Hatter as he kept running, "This is the last room!" Hatter smiled, "They must be this way. I just know it!" We opened a set of doors that looks like Iracebeth's bedroom. "Mother? Father? Anyone?" Hatter called out as we searched the room. 

I frowned at Hatter as knelt to the ground, repeating, "They're not here." I teared up, upset for Hatter. I know how much he wanted his family back. I set a hand on his shoulder, "I'm so sorry." I saw Hatter look over at an ant farm and he walked over to it.

I smiled, looking at the ant farm containing the Hightopps. I gasped as vine bars went over all the windows and gasped louder as I turned and saw Iracebeth.

"Hello, Alice."

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