Chapter Nine

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*Adrian's POV*

I growled in anger as I watched Mira and Iracebeth disappear. Madison and Mason hug me tightly and Mason looks up at me, "Mommy will be okay, papa. I'm sure of it." I smiled and crouched to hug both of my children. 

I held onto my children tightly as the earth shook and the sun moved quickly, showing that Iracebeth went back in time. Everything stopped and Alice looked at me alarmingly, "It's Time. It's because I stole the Chronosphere." Madison teared up, "Are we ever going to see mummy again?" I kissed her forehead, " Of course, Madi." 

I looked over to the cell door as a vegetable guard unlocked the door and let us out. The female sighed and looked at all of us, "She ate my schnozzle." Madi gasped and ran over to hug her leg to comfort her. The other guards gesture to their individual appendages that Iracebeth destroyed with her appetite. 

Alice and Tarrant walked out first and conversed amongst the guards as Madison and Mason returned to me. "What are we going to do?" McTwisp asked anxiously as Mally agreed. Time looked weaker than ever, "It's up to you now, Alice." Alice looked at me, "Adrian, take Time to his castle. Hatter and I will retrieve the Chronosphere and restore order to the universe. Do you understand?" All of us nodded as my twins looked at me in determination, "Then mummy comes back and we live happily ever after?" I chuckled and hugged them both, "Absolutely." 

Alice smiled, "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Alice and Tarrant chased after Mira and Iracebeth as I wrapped an arm around Time and we all headed to his castle. Time groaned as I set him down gently on the ground. "I hope there aren't any hard feelings between the two of us, your majesty," Time sighed as he looked at me. I smiled softly, "I should be saying that to you. Iracebeth was your love. I thought she would get over me when Mira and I married." 

Time chuckled weakly, "I love her, but she never got over you. I could never be enough for her to replace you, no matter how much I wanted her to love me." I frowned and set a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry. I know how much you love her. Maybe everything will be fine and she realizes that you are here once Mirana and her make up whatever happened between them." 

After I left Time, I ran over to Madison and Mason, "Everything will be fine, my loves." Madison screamed as everything around us turned to rust. "Shit!" I looked around in a panic as everyone else looked panicked as well.

I see Alice, Tarrant, and Mirana drop in and start running. "Mummy!" I watch as Mira starts dragging Iracebeth. "Tweedles! Take care of the twins! I'm going to get my wife," I said to the Tweedles and I kneeled to my children, "I love you both. Please stay with the Tweedles. I'm going to help your mother." Mason teared up, "Daddy, are we going to die?" I smiled with tears in my eyes, "Not if Auntie Alice can help it. Please listen to them. I love you both. See you soon." Madison smiled and hugged me tightly before grabbing Tweedledum's hand as Mason grabbed Tweedledee's hand. 

I kissed both of their heads and then sprinted to meet Mirana. "Mira!" I ran up to her and kissed her hard. "My love, please help me. I can't leave her. It is all my fault," Mirana teared up and I nodded, "I understand and I understand what happened." 

I helped Mira drag Iracebeth across the bridge, "I wouldn't think it would be this difficult." I gasped as my legs turned to rust and I looked at Mira who gasped and grabbed my hand, burying her face in my neck. I sighed and kept holding onto Iracebeth.

Only for me to turn to rust and I sighed, praying that Alice puts the Chronosphere back in time. 

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