Chapter 19 **My Father's Trick**

Start from the beginning

Jorne narrowed his eyes on the map, seeing that that place just now was on the far side of Icklish, holding one part of the sea against them. He guessed it would be something called the slumps, the place that the poor would bring up their children and they'd have it quite tough. The best source of income would probably be the area where they are connected to the sea, where they could fish, otherwise they would have to travel to go to work.

The door opened then, and several people came in, Jorne was sure that these people specialized in specific places and was ready to be introduced.

Wedge came out and pointed, "This is our merchant, he has gotten Icklish merchants on our side."

Before Wedge continued, Jorne nodded at him in remembrance, "Valier, nice to see you again!"

The person nodded and Wedge went to the next, "This person, Scraper, he's keeping an eye on the rioting from the slaves and commoners. He's got a few of our men there but has turned a few to our side that have volunteered to stay there and continue to spy. He has only come now to meet you and will go back there."

Jorne nodded and shook his hand, like he had to Valier.

Wedge continued, not fazed to Scraper, who left straight after meeting His Highness. His job didn't entitle anything big and had already seen Wedge prior, so now he was leaving.

"This one is our connection to the nobles that have changed sides, his name is Lord Burns."

"This is a minister of the King, Minister Rou, obviously spying for us now."

"He is Steward Keel, someone who is watching our backs from the barbarians and this one is Hives."

After a shake with each and slight introduction, all the rest of them went to the map and Wedge went into more detail about the plan.

Obviously, Wedge had sent for His Highness because there was minimal left for him to do and so now, they had to prepare for the last part of the big plan by finally going in and taking Icklish and making it a part of Setchra...


"Princess Consort, your father is here."

Raising my eyebrows, I turn away from the window and suddenly run towards the door.

All the time away from my father came to me in an instant!

Looking for him with Theo, writing him letters that never got to him...Worrying endlessly about him and never knowing what had happened!

The door opened before I got there and there he was...My father...

He was in different types of clothes, which I'd never seen him in before, making me stop just before him.

"Father?" I asked...Just in case...

"Who else, child!?" With what sounded like an angry humph, I was then taken into a hug. "I've missed you!"

For so long I had been looking for him...So long!

Hugging him back, my mind was blank for a moment, just feeling glad that I was seeing my father after so long!

He wasn't hurt, he seemed quite well too!

Instead of the clothes, he looked better without the bushy beard on his face, now...It was cut, quite nicely may I add!

Ah, he looked like a one of those rich people...A noble!

...Why did my father look like a noble?

After my father pulled back, I smiled, "Father!"

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