The next generation - pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Finch Adler
Theme song: 'I Am Not Nothing' - Beth Crowley
Parents: Walter Adler (father) and Elizabeth Adler (mother)
Species: human
Race: Caucasian
Identity: non-binary, they/she
Sexuality: bisexual
Current age: 14
Hair color: black
Eye color: cadet gray
Personality: brave, determined, motherly, creative
Fun facts:
- Their full name is Finch Bandit Adler. They picked their name herself.
- They call Ace "Aunt Cece" and Kate "Tia Kate."
- Finch was born two years after her parents, Walter and Elizabeth, were in an arranged marriage at 18. Up until they were 5, she had her whole family in their life until Ace ran away. Being so young, Finch didn't understand why Ace was missing and her paternal grandparents were suddenly dead.
- As Finch got older, they were oppressed by their parents' strict religious atmosphere. The eldest of two and being born a woman, Finch often dealt with the same treatment Ace grew up with. When Finch was 10, already starting to rebel, they began to research their aunt and find out why she went missing.
- At age 10, Finch packed a bag and ran away from home to find her aunt. After 3 months of searching, they found her flat in Denver, Colorado that she shared with her family. She was taken inside and given water immediately when Ace found them on her doorstep, and they explained their story. Ace knew instantly that she had to let Finch stay.
- Finch is now considered a full member of the family. She was fully supported when they came out as non-binary at age 12, and Ace and Kate treat them as their own child. Although Finch doesn't approve of Ace's and Kate's illegal careers, they understand why they do it and even try to help sometimes to take away some of the stress.
- Unlike Ace, Finch is a really good cook. Kate has taught them most of the Mexican recipes she grew up with, and Finch usually helps Troy or Kate cook meals. Finch is also a fantastic baker, which they prefer over cooking because of the decorating aspect.
- Finch's favorite genre of fiction are modern interpretations of classic fairy tales, especially when they're dark ones. Her favorite TV show is Once Upon a Time.
- Growing up, Finch wasn't allowed internet unless it was for school (they used this as an excuse to research Ace). Because of their lack of interaction with the world outside of Christianity, it was Troy who taught her the aspect of not being cisgender. Likewise, Ace and Kate were the first gay couple Finch was exposed to.
- They see Arielle as a little sister, and she's also really close with Keith.

Desmond Marshall
Theme song: 'Nothing Left to Fight' - Elizabeth Grace
Parents: Rouge (mother) and Wilson the Basher (father)
Species: human
Race: Caucasian, South Asian
Identity: male, he/him
Sexuality: asexual
Current age: 10
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: brown
Personality: stubborn, ituitive, quiet, intelligent
Fun facts:
- His full name is Desmond Julian Marshall. He was given the same name Rouge was going to give her first child before he ended up being a stillborn.
- Desmond's hair is very shaggy, and it's hard to brush.
- Rouge taught him how to climb trees so he could maneuver through the forest easily. He has all kinds of scars and scratches on his hands and fingers from practicing. He also has a scar on his face that was caused by a nasty fall from a very high tree, and Rouge blames herself for it.
- When Desmond was born, Rouge was convinced that he was the reincarnation of her first child. She became extremely protective over Desmond to the point where Desmond started to find it annoying, and it actually worsened her anxiety. Because of this, Desmond doesn't exactly have the best relationship with his mother and he's closer with his dad. He also sees Kate and X-Virus as family, too.
- Desmond realized his sexuality at a young age.
- He actually really likes vegetables. His favorites are dill pickles.
- He can be grumpy and introverted, but he's a good kid and he truly cares about those around him.
- Desmond is really good friends with Charlie. He also gets along with Maude really well. Sometimes, they do each other's nails.
- He had a toy train phase. He loved watching Dinosaur Train and Thomas the Tank Engine when he was a toddler, and he sometimes still does for nostalgic purposes.
- Although he tries to understand, Desmond doesn't really get his mother being therian. He never likes it when Rouge stays out in the forest overnight.
- His favorite color is magenta.

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