Lost Silver

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- He died when it was 14. If he were still alive, it'd be 27.

- Growing up, Silver was one of the youngest in a huge family of Japanese immigrants. He lived with its parents, three surviving grandparents, nine siblings, and the family dog, all in a one-floor house. Because of the overcrowding, money was scarce, attention and hugs were rare, it was always noisy, and Silver could hardly get any peace.

- When Silver was 9, he began to suspect that it was suffering from depression. When it confronted his mother about it, she accused him of thinking she was a bad mother.

- Silver had a very close bond with its maternal grandfather, Daisuke, who was a heavy smoker. Scared of bad reactions, he was the only one Silver told about his suspected depression after what its mother said. Despite Daisuke's waning health, he always tried to help him.

- Ever since he was young, Silver was always a very shy child. He never had the courage to make friends at school, and it was easy to pick on it. He was also often bullied by most of his older siblings. Most of the time, the loneliness was overwhelming. Silber's only comforts were his grandfather, the family dog, its friend Ben, and of course, his Pokemon video games.

- Ben and Silver were online friends for two years, but one day, Ben stopped messaging back. Silver thought this was because Ben had ghosted it, and he was devastated. But in reality, Ben had died.

- When Silver was 14, Daisuke finally succumbed to his smoking addiction and died of heart failure. By then, Silver had had enough, and just a couple days after the funeral, he tucked his beloved Nintendo into its back pocket, went to the train station on the outskirts of town, lied down on the tracks, and waited for a train to come along. It sliced it in half, killing him instantly. That's why he mostly has its legs and forearms missing in its ghost form.

- Inside Silver's Nintendo on the day he died was a hacked copy of Pokemon Silver. That's how Silver got its alias.

- Silver is still very shy and insecure. He also doesn't like loud noises or big crowds.

- Apart from its usual ghost form, Silver also has a form where he still has his arms and legs. It also has a form where he looks like his past self.

- Other than the video games, Silver also likes the Pokemon anime. Its favorite character was Professor Oak.

- Silver's first language is Japanese. It sometimes switches to Japanese without knowing it, and people have to remind him.

- Its special interests are Pokemon, video games, and anime, especially Digimon and the Pokemon animes.

- His favorite pokemon ever is Charmander.

- Silver always had to share a room with most of his brothers growing up, and it was overjoyed when he found out that it'd be getting his own room in the cabins. But it prefers to sleep in Ben's room most nights, and he ended up officially moving into Ben's room.

- He's always hated the thought of killing people, but it does it because it's his job.

- As a child, he wanted to become a video game developer when it grew up.

- Silver is a maladaptive daydreamer and is always able to get lost in its own little world. Because of this, he's very creative, but he usually doesn't have the courage to talk to people about its interests. The only person he's confident enough to talk about it with is Ben.

- He's a huge fan of Markiplier. When its especially sad, he'll watch one of Mark's try not to laugh challenges to cheer itself up.

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