The next generation - pt. 2

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Yvonne Gibson
Theme song: 'As Real As You and Me' - Rhianna
Parents: Zachary the Proxy (father) and Rosemary (mother)
Species: human
Race: Caucasian
Identity: cis female, she/her
Sexuality: questioning
Current age: 10
Hair color: golden blonde
Eye color: hazy blue
Personality: protective, dutiful, daring, loyal
Fun facts:
- Her full name is Yvonne Wendy Gibson. Her parents loved uncommon names, and her mother was also obssessed with Peter Pan at the time.
- She's rather quiet, but very curious and intuitive.
- Her favorite color is purple.
- Yvonne loves the Power Rangers shows. Her favorite is Mystic Force.
- She used to own a bunch of old Barbie dolls provided by her mom, but she gave them all to her brother when she decided she was "too old" for them.
- Yvonne doesn't know about her dad's missions. She just knows he has "a very scary boss."
- She and her little brother, Zach Jr., are both close with Puppeteer and his family.
- She's a huge fan of insects. She especially loves butterflies, fireflies, and crickets. But she hates ladybugs due to the smells they make.
- When her dad isn't around to do it, she's the one to help her mother do her hair.
- Yvonne loves wearing hats of all kinds.
- Her favorite fruits are kiwis. Whenever Rosemary is able to go into town, she always asks for them.
- She hates her middle name. She thinks it's too old-fashioned.

Zach Gibson Jr.
Theme song: 'Don't You Worry Child' - Madilyn Bailey
Parents: Zachary the Proxy (father) and Rosemary (mother)
Species: human
Race: Caucasian
Identity: cis male, he/him
Sexuality: N/A
Current age: 6
Hair color: dusty brown
Eye color: hazy blue
Personality: whiny, clingy, eager, timid
Fun facts:
- His full name is Zachary Sirius Gibson Jr. He was named for his dad, but everyone calls him Zach so there's less confusion.
- Zach was born deaf. Because of his deafness, his family is very protective over him.
- He looks like his dad in miniature, just with paler skin and freckles, which he inherited from Rosemary.
- He loves playing with the Barbie dolls passed down from Yvonne. His favorite is the one with the flowery dress and the handbag.
- Zach is often saddened by his inability to hear and sometimes cries about it.
- His favorite color is yellow.
- Of course, he communicates through sign language.
- Whenever Zach tries to speak, all that comes out are whines and howls because he doesn't know how to speak. His father often finds it frustrating.
- He's a little scared of his dad and often worries about him. He's more comfortable around his mom, sister, and Puppeteer and his family.
- Zach likes skipping stones at the local pond in the Under-Realm. Yvonne taught him how.
- He's quite attached to Sadie because he can't talk and Sadie doesn't like loud noises. They often sit together in silence while watching the other children play.
- He's very clingy, but only to certain people.
- Rosemary always allows him a sip of her morning coffee.

Lorenzo Adler
Theme song: 'Crazy' - Farewell, My Love
Parents: Killing Kate (mother) and Ace of Spades (stepmother)
Species: human
Race: Caucasian, Hispanic
Identity: cis male, he/him
Sexuality: N/A
Current age: 7
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: medallion gold
Personality: daring, spoiled, eager, fiesty
Fun facts:
- His full name is Lorenzo Abraham Adler. He was given a Spanish first name, and his middle name is from Ace's late younger brother.
- Kate taught him Spanish, which he is now fluent in. Ace also teaches him Italian.
- He's very daring and won't hesitate to throw hands if someone makes him angry. But his mothers taught him to never attack someone unprovoked unless ordered to by someone he trusts.
- He's very fast and agile for his age and he and Finch sometimes race each other around their flat for fun.
- Ace likes giving him piggy back rides, and Lorenzo always enjoys them.
- Lorenzo is very flexible, and he was always climbing everything - and everyone - as a toddler.
- He's lowkey sadistic, and he likes torturing bugs and small lizards, catching them in a pencil box and taking them apart. His mothers know about this, and they say he's allowed to do it as long as he never kills any mammals like squirrels or rabbits until he's a teenager - that is, if he still has those urges by then.
- Ace taught him how to play card games.
- Lorenzo has a mild peanut allergy.
- He's still in his dinosaur phase. His favorite dinosaur is the Spinosaurus.
- Kate had him when she was 22. Mark had taken advantage of Kate when she was drunk one night, and even though Lorenzo hates being a product of rape, Kate decided to raise him anyway just to prove to herself that she could be a better parent than her dad. Ace, of course, supported her choice.
- His hair is always messy and he sometimes wears a baseball cap to hide it. He hates having his hair brushed.

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