Chapter 3

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"The scenery here is breathtaking and relaxing. The structures are also masterpieces. I wonder what other interesting things I can find here."


Upon arrival at the Treasures Street, Y/n observed the beautiful landscape and the clean atmosphere as he made his way towards the Adventurer's Guild. Katheryne waved as soon as she saw him and greeted the blue haired with her usual 'ad astra abyssosque' while smiling softly. "Ad astra abyssosque. Greetings, Katheryne. How are you doing?" He returned the smile. "I'm doing fine as always, thank you for your concern. How may I help you today?" Y/n thought for a while before opening his mouth. "If it's alright with you, would you give me the directions to the Akademiya?" Katheryne nodded as she wrote the directions on a piece of paper and handed it to him. Y/n smiled. "Thank you so much, Katheryne. I have to get going now and guess I'll be seeing you later then. Farewell." Y/n waved as he walked away while Katheryne bid him farewell and continued with her work.


At the Akademiya..

"Halt. Excuse me, sir. Please state your purpose."

Y/n was stopped by two guards since his appearance doesn't match the locals nor the scholars. "Ah, pardon me if I look suspicious. I am Kamisato Y/n. I am the newly appointed scholar from Inazuma, approved by the Grand Sage himself." The guards paused for a while before backing away. "I see, so you're the one that the Grand Sage had mentioned. Ahem, forgive us for questioning you. You may now pass." Y/n smiled. "Thank you. It's totally fine though, I don't mind at all. You're just doing your job after all. Well, I'll get going now. Goodbye then." Y/n slightly bowed before continuing his walk. The guards were stunned by his politeness. It's rare to meet such a scholar like him nowadays.

As Y/n got inside the Akademiya, he was distracted by the admirable beauty of the interior designs of the Akademiya. The patterns, colours and there was even a fancy fountain that you can see right after passing through the main entrance. As he was admiring the details in awe, a scholar walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me, sir. Are you Kamisato Y/n?" His thoughts was snapped as he turned to look at the scholar. He smiled. "Ah, yes, I am. How may I help you?" The scholar smiled. "I am here to escort you to the Grand Sage's office he asked me to fetch you, so please follow me." Y/n nodded as he followed the scholar.

As they were walking towards the House of Daena, the scholar spoke. "Pardon me, but I saw you were spacing out just now or was it me?" Y/n looked at him. "Ah, that.. I was looking at the details of the structure. Was it.. weird?" The scholar chuckled. "Ah, no. What do you think about it? Do you like it?" Y/n nodded. "I do like it. It seems so different from the designs back in Inazuma. Both of them are beautiful in their own way." The scholar smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way."

Soon after, they arrived at the House of Daena. "Alright so, you will have to be on your own from here. I still have some important tasks to do so I can't stay for long. Don't worry, all you have to do is get in there and it will bring you to the upper level, where the Grand Sage's office is located. Can you do that?" Y/n nodded as he stepped on the platform. "I can manage that. Thank you for escorting me." He slightly bowed as the scholar waved at him. The platform then rose upwards as a see through wall appeared around the platform to avoid those on the platform from falling.

After a while, the platform stopped as the wall disappeared. Y/n stepped off the platform as the Grand Sage, known as Azar stood from his seat. "Ah, Kamisato Y/n. You've arrived just at the right moment." He stepped down from the podium as he walked up to Y/n. The blue haired bowed slightly. "I heard you were looking for me. What is it if I may ask?" Y/n smiled. "I called you here to let you know about some of the changes that I've done regarding your application." He tilted his head. "Changes?" Azar nodded as he continued. "Yes. I've decided that you're not going to be just a regular scholar, so I've recorded your profile in the Akademiya's system as a sage, specifically for the Haravatat darshan. Recently, the former sage had finished obtained a degree and graduated from the Akademiya. In addition, the documents I've received about you has proven your capability and reliability in the field of ancient semiotics and linguistics. You're also able to understand the ancient mechanisms and structures, making you a valuable asset to the Akademiya. If I'm not mistaken, you're also skilled in biological matters on wildlife. Hence why, you're more than worthy to join the Six Great Sages. You possess vast knowledge and the ability to lead. If there's no objections, then this matter is to be concluded." Y/n was surprised. It's not that easy to be a sage, yet he was right away appointed even though it was his first time stepping into the Akademiya. "A-a sage? B-but I just enrolled here?" He chuckled. "Indeed. However, your abilities and knowledge surpassed the criteria needed. I've also looked at the manuscript you've written regarding Narukami Island and it passed through the review panel with an excellent grade. It was perfectly written and arranged along with detailed information. Not only that, all of the copies of your works have been collected and sent to me. Thus, I see no reason for you to submit another thesis to pass. You might as well obtained a degree in just a year." Y/n paused and nodded. "Ah, I see.. Well then, I'll do my best as one of the sages and respond to your every orders, Lord Azar." He smiled. "Very well. I'm looking forward to your contributions for the Akademiya. You may now dismissed." Y/n looked at him. "You have my gratitude, Lord Azar. I'll take my leave now." He bowed and left as the Grand Sage sat down on his respective seat.

"Hm, a valuable asset indeed... The plan will surely be a success with such an ally."


Y/n stepped off the platform as he placed a hand on his chest. "What was that. That was.. unexpected, but at least my graduation is cut short." Then, he felt something was off. His surrounding was quieter than before and there were less people in the area. Suddenly, he remembered something. "Wait, I forgot about finding a place to stay. Oh archons, what do I do? What do I do?" Y/n was panicking as he sat on a chair nearby and put his head on the table. "Is it alright if I just sleep here? The inns must have closed by now..." He whined.

"Of course, and your back will break."

The sudden voice made Y/n jumped off his seat as he fell on the floor. He winced in pain. "Well, that sure hurts..." The owner of the voice then looked at him and sighed as he extended his hand for Y/n to grab. He stared for a while before grabbing it. The person helped him stand up as the blue haired fixed his clothes. "... are you alright?" Y/n looked at the taller male in front of him as he nodded. "I guess so. Thanks for that by the way." He smiled, receiving a nod. "I heard you were looking for someplace to stay. Come with me then." Y/n blinked a few times as he tilted his head, confused. "...are you?.. inviting me to stay with you?" He nodded. "If you feel uncomfortable or anything then I'll just leave." He turned to leave, but Y/n grabbed his wrist gently. "No, wait. I'll.. come with you." He turned to look at the blue haired. "Come on then." He then proceed to walk while Y/n grabbed onto his flowy cape, following him like a lost puppy.


On their way towards his house, Y/n decided to start a conversation. "Hey, um.. what's your name? I didn't quite catch it.." The male looked at him. "I'm Alhaitham, the scribe of the Akademiya. And you're the new sage of Haravatat, Kamisato Y/n, yes?" Y/n was nodded and smiled. "So you know me. As a scribe, that is but a child's play to you, is it not?" Haitham smirked. "You're sharp, I see... But seriously, why are you grabbing my cape like that?" Y/n laughed softly.

"I like it, it's flowy."
"Whatever you say."


"We're here."
"What a big house you have. Gorgeous as well."
"Why, thank you."

Y/n observed the house in awe as Haitham unlocked the door and opened it. "Aren't you coming?" He snapped out of his thoughts as he nodded and got inside.

"Ah, yes. I've forgotten to mention that I only have two bedrooms in this house. So, it's either you share with me or my roommate, Kaveh. I can still lend you my room while I sleep on the couch. What do you think?" Haitham looked at him. "I mean, I can just sleep on the floor with my futon that I brought from Inazuma... I don't really want to watch you sleep here. I also don't want to burden your roommate." Haitham thought for a while. "Then, sleep with me." Y/n was confused. "Ha..??" Suddenly, footsteps could be heard. "Alhaitham, you're finally back. Please, help me with arranging your many books. I- who is this?" A blonde male appeared as he looked at Y/n, confused. Haitham looked at him. "Kaveh, this is Y/n. A new sage of the Akademiya. You could say, he is our new roommate. So, I hope you two can get along." Kaveh stared at the blue haired for a while before widening his eyes. "A sage? I've never seen you around before." Y/n smiled. "I am indeed new to the Akademiya, and I thought I was going to enroll as a normal scholar, but then the Grand Sage appointed me as a sage of Haravatat. I couldn't actually say no to that since he insisted. Anyway, I hope we can all get along." He bowed slightly as Kaveh laughed and patted his shoulder. "You must be a great deal of a scholar then for the Grand Sage to do such thing. Say, can you drink?" Haitham smacked Kaveh on the head as he winced in pain. "Kaveh, I would appreciate it if you don't make him your drinking buddy." Y/n chuckled. "No, it's quite fine. I can handle heavy drinks. That is if I have the time to do so. As a sage, I have to prepare for overtime works." Kaveh smirked at Haitham as the male glared at him. Haitham sighed. "Still, don't get yourself into trouble." Y/n nodded. "Don't worry, Haitham. I will keep that in mind."


End of Chapter 3

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