Chapter 2

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Y/n got worried as he approached the girl slowly.

"Hey, are you alright?"


The girl flinched a little as she turned her head towards his direction. She stood up abruptly as she stepped back, scared. "W-who are you?" Y/n was surprised as he backed away a little, raising both his hands. "A-ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was resting for a while before continue my trip to Sumeru City when I heard someone coughing and I thought if I could provide any help." Y/n gave her an apologetic look as her tensed shoulders relaxed a bit. She fiddled with her fingers since she gets shy when talking to people she doesn't know. "U-uh, I'm fine so it's alright. If y-you're going to Sumeru City, please use another path. There's a withering zone ahead, it's not safe." She looked down. Y/n thought for a while before smiling. "Don't worry, I can help with that. I've read about it somewhere so I should be fine." The girl was shocked as she waved her hands in front of her. "No, no. You shouldn't. It's dangerous. At least, we should wait for the others in charge to come. You really shouldn't go alone." Y/n chuckled. "Don't worry about that. I will be fine, I promise." Suddenly, he immediately ran off towards the withering zone direction as the girl was confused on what to do.



After a few minutes of running, Y/n found it as he hid behind a huge tree and peeked to locate small crimson flowers that needed to be destroyed.

'1...2...3..... Got it.'

He then found the dendromograna near his hiding spot. He waited for a while to plan his movements and counterattack of every possible outcomes. After a while, he immediately stood up as he ran towards the dendromograna and collect three of it before sprinting towards the first flower.

'Let's finish this.'


"Ah, master!"

The Forest Watcher looked at Collei who was panicking. He immediately ran up to her with a worried expression. "Collei, what's the matter?" She pointed to the direction of the Withering zone location. "I had came across someone who wanted to go to Sumeru City and I told him to use another path since there is a Withering zone ahead, but instead he told me that it would be fine and immediately ran off towards it. I'm sorry I couldn't stop him..." He was surprised as he put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Collei. It's not your fault. I'll go and take a look if he's okay. Stay here." She nodded as he ran off along the path.

Upon arrival, he noticed a certain blue haired fighting a ruin drake with his sword. He didn't seem to need a helping hand so the Forest Watcher hid behind a tree to observe. 'This guy is dertermined.. his movements are precise and elegant.. interesting..'


"Hmm, interesting.. come to me with everything you've got." The ruin drake recharge its energy, ready to shot him as the male stood still, gripping his sword tightly. After a while, the ruin drake shot out a condensed energy towards his direction. Y/n waited until it's close before raising his sword to block the impact at the last second. Then, a gust of wind blew as a result from the impact, blocking the Forest Watcher view. 'Ugh, what happened? Is he okay?' Suddenly, purple lights flashed before them as the grey mist dispersed, revealing Y/n who was still standing with his sword in front of him, except for his sword was glowing purple. He was surprised by how unfazed he is. Then, his sword disappeared as he raised his hand in front of him. A large see through and unbreakable dome trapped the ruin drake, preventing it from escaping.

"Kamisato Art: Souryokusen!"

With a swing, countless sword identical to his own, appeared around the target as they pierced the ruin drake at a speed as fast as light. The interior area of the dome were filled with flashes of light due to the swords. After a few seconds, the dome shattered, revealing the ruin drake that was slowly withered into thin air. Y/n smiled proudly as he walked to the final flower and destroyed it, restoring the originally green and lively part of the forest. Suddenly, he heard someone clapping as he turned towards the direction of the sound. "Excellent work. That was quite a show you put just now. I must say, I'm impressed." The Forest Watcher said with a smile as Y/n chuckled. "Ah, thanks, you flatter me. Anyway, I didn't quite catch your name." He said as he returned the smile. "Ah, pardon me. My name's Tighnari, I am the Forest Watcher of Avidya Forest and the girl you just met earlier is Collei. And you must be an outlander from Inazuma, based on your appearance and swordsmanship." Y/n nodded. "Indeed, I am from Inazuma. I came all the way to Sumeru since the Akademiya accepted my application to enroll as a scholar. However, it's kind of weird considering that they accepted it without any interview in person. Ah, forgive me, I got carried away. I am Kamisato Y/n, the second son of Kamisato Clan. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tighnari." Tighnari looked at him. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Y/n. Oh yes, since you need to go to the Akademiya, might as well get on moving. You still need to find a place to stay, don't you? It will soon get darker, so be hurry." Y/n nodded as he slightly bowed. "Thank you, I'll get going now. I'll see you soon, Tighnari. Goodbye!" He immediately ran off as Tighnari waved at his retreating figure.

"What an energetic and kind person. Hope everything's alright for him."


"Excuse me, sir. Is it your first time in Sumeru City?"

Y/n stopped in his tracks as two men approached him. "Ah, that's right. Why are you curious about it if I may ask?" They slightly bowed. "Oh, it's just that everyone who wished to enter Sumeru City must wear an Akasha terminal. You don't seem to have one, so here. It is important for you to wear it during your stay here, it contains lots of information and as an easy access for people to recognise you based on a brief data about yourself." Y/n looked at the Akasha in his hand. "This.. is for me?" The man nodded. "Why of course! This is yours. Wear it and introduce yourself, so that I'll be able to record your profile in the Akasha terminal." Y/n nodded as he took the Akasha terminal from his hand and wear it on his left ear. Suddenly, his vision was filled with lots of information as the Akasha scanned the two men in front of him, revealing their profiles. "Woah.. what an amazing device... Ah, ahem. I am Kamisato Y/n, the second son of Kamisato Clan." The man nodded as he filled the data and successfully setup Y/n's profile. "Alright, all done. You can now continue about your business. Welcome to Sumeru City, esteemed guest." Y/n smiled as he slightly bowed before making his way towards the Akademiya.

"The scenery here is breathtaking and relaxing. The structures are also masterpieces. I wonder what other interesting things I can find here."


End of Chapter 2

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