Chapter 9

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I woke up to a beautiful grand princess room the sun was just starting to come in. It was earlier than I usually wake up.

I stared at the ceiling thinking over the past few days I had been in the castle with my new beau.

I giggle at the thought.

I've never had a beau before and now it is the prince! Though, I still struggle to think of him that way. He is a confidant and rather protective and handsome.

Someone is trying to take his crown away from him and they must be caught and punished but now we also have to get ready for an impending war and maybe even find someone to bring back the Queen's Rose to protect us.

That's not too much right?

A light knock sounds. I sit up and look at the door when it opens slightly.

"Come in" but no one comes in.

I move the covers and walk barefoot to the door.

I open it slightly thinking the maid is on the other side, but no one is there.

I move out into the hallway.

"Hello?" I say.

Silence returns my answer.

I look to both ends of the long hallway. I walk over to the spiral staircase and look down.

There someone moves.


The figure moves out of my sight.

I make my way down the staircase holding my nightgown up so I can walk.

When I reach the bottom, I realize I probably won't be able to see the person anymore but there they are walking down to the kitchen.

I tiptoe down the hall, for some reason.

I open the squeaky door as to make it sound more like a mouse.

I take each step down carefully.

Then I hear someone talking.

"The prince's belle can help us. I mean she understands us and our ways. The prince has been spoiled from birth."

"Or she could help us." Another woman says. It sounded like the chef.

"That is why I lead her down here to see what she thinks. She should be here any minute." The figure said. "Ow!"

"She is now being pampered because of her princely beau she isn't going to help us especially since you decided to brake the Queen's Rose."

I gasped.

The all fell silenced.

I knew they knew I was here might as well show myself and join them.

I peak my head around the corner and see the figure is a maid, the chief, and a servant girl.

"I would like to join you as long as I understand what it is we are doing."

They looked at each other.

"She is not joining us." A male voice said.

I jumped at the sound.

"Emmett that isn't necessary. I think we can trust her plus she could get the prince to go on our side." The chief said.

"Coco, we both know that you are not the one who can even say that for the prince doesn't even know you exist and for good reason."

Her name was Coco, that's why Heath didn't know. Everyone called her Chef but what had she done to purposefully hide her identity.

"Let me guess" I started "You are Seraphine, and you are Samantha." I said pointing to the maid and then to the servant girl.

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