Chapter 6

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A woman this time was the reason for the dogs barking.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but we will need you to come with us." Heath said.

She looked indignant. "So, is that what you plan to do?" she said talking to me, "Turn the prince against his own nobility. I bet she was the one who took the Queen's Rose."

The surrounding people gasped.

Heath tensed. "No one talks to Rosaleen that way." He growled and the woman fell silent.

I stared at him. No one had ever stood up for me before. Now here was the prince doing it himself. All right maybe I did start to like him but just a little bit.

One of the guards came to us and asked if there was a problem.

"Yes, I will need you escort Lady Gerda to Mr. Robert. He should know what to do."

"Yes, your Majesty." The guard said bowing. He led the woman out of the ballroom and down the hall.

"Do you think that more than one person did it?" I whispered to Heath.

"Maybe" He shrugged.

Perhaps he had a hunch but didn't want anyone to overhear.

"Should we make sure the dogs can check everyone?" I whispered back.

"Yes, now anyone could be a part of it. Since we know the dogs are getting the scent off of more than one person."

We made our way around 10 more people were found to have the scent of magic on them. They were all sent to Robert. I wonder how he was handling all of this.

Finally, we let a guard take hold of the dogs and Heath got up on the stair's landing. "Thank you all for coming to my ball. I am very sorry for the crime but the rest of you are free to go."

The people started on their way.

Most of the people were beyond exhausted since it was now early morning. I still couldn't believe how long parties had to last but it had given me ample time to spend with Heath. Just the thought of him brought a smile to my face.

After everyone who was clear left Heath came over to me and I put my arm in his. "The staff has made us an excellent breakfast, shall we?"

"We shall."

The dining room was huge. Even though it was huge it couldn't fit everyone at the ball which is why they got their own dishes at the side tables. Some of the nobles even had to eat standing up which didn't go so well with them.

The dogs definitely had their fair share of meals since they barked at a few people while they were eating, and the nobles weren't happy with being held at the castle and being our prisoner until proven innocent.

I sat down and a plate was put in front of me. It had steak, green beans, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, and in a bowl on the side was a salad.

Fruit of every color was in a bowl in the center of the table and so was a bowl of rolls.

I dug in. I didn't care that I was clearing my plate, my bowl and eating 3 rolls. I had barely ever felt full in my life and this man could most certainly afford it.

It was the first time I didn't feel guilty for eating everything in sight.

As I was gnawing on a roll Heath asked "Are you full now?"

I looked at him he wasn't being condescending but his eyes were full of kindness and some pity.

"Yes" I said around a mouth full of roll.

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