Chapter 11

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My mind was spinning.

"Where is Robert?" I said.

He folded his arms over his chest.

"Why do you need to know?" He said.

"I need to speak to him about what happened here." I said.

"Well" He said throwing his arms out "Today is your lucky day. I would love to tell you what your prince did. He couldn't trust you or anyone here so he left for some kind of pauper life but I know that I don't want to leave a perfectly good castle just sitting here I mean there is that other castle was but you occupied that just fine. Yes, I know about it and I know about you. I needed a girl to bring him to his knees and since you were sneaking, well to an extent."

At this I blew out a breath. The nerve of this guy.

"Anyway, I knew it would almost be like a Cinderella story but I realized you would be looked at like a gold digger once he realized you had joined the secret society. Don't look at me that way. The people have been doing this for years, but I knew you would join them since you were one of their kind before you met the prince.

You were kind enough to think of other people but that was your demise."

"NO!" I screamed.

"I should have told him but because I didn't, he feels like I used him." I said.

"Whatever suits you." He said turning to leave.



I hesitated for only a minute.

"How did you do it? One of the people who were contained to the castle was the culprit right?"

He laughed. "All of them were part of the plan but I obviously wasn't here. I had a guy come in and spread some magic to make the dogs think they were the problem, but I had inside connections. Do you really think Robert is on your side? When Heath went to check on the vault, which you asked him to, I had Robert ask one of the maids to distract the guards while he set the trap but he didn't want to take the Queen's Rose until you were both on the floor so that way you thought it was one of the 10 possible culprits.

It was an inside job, but Heath was right he couldn't trust anyone. I just made sure you were a part of that with the secret society. I just used them to my advantage."

I thought for a moment.

"What about the man that was nervous at the ball and then went up the stairs?"

For a moment Prince Tren actually looked scared.

"Must have been your imagination." He said shrugging.

The doors closed before I could know it.

I stood there just thinking. Robert was the one who was helping him? Heath trusted Robert with his soul and being.

I looked at the downcast guards.

"Do you know where Heath is and did someone even follow him?" I asked.

The guards looked at each other.

"That information is confidential." They said together.

I stared them down.

One guard winked.


He started to nudge to town.

I looked at him and the other guard.

I know the village had lots of people but where would he go to specifically.

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