Chapter 7

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"This just doesn't make any sense." Heath said as we walked through the castle halls.

"They couldn't have all done it." He said matter-of-factly.

I was enjoying his arm linked in mine as we walked.

No one was around but the pictures of his ancestors on the wall.

Their disapproving stare burnt threw my skull.

Heath had claimed he wanted me to marry him. I was starting to understand why. I just couldn't be a princess and run a kingdom. I couldn't even figure out where the Queen's Rose was or who was the culprit.

"I don't know, Heath." I started. "It is really difficult to say what happened. I mean clearly everyone was busy in the ballroom and perhaps the room with the Queen's Rose had less guards or..." I thought "Maybe it really was a woman."

Heath looked at me confused for a minute and then thought about it. Once he did he smiled.

"You think a woman distracted one of the guards while the accomplice took the Queen's Rose?" He said still laughing.

It was too simple but it would explain at least the reason why there were multiple people in the palace who had traces of magic on them. It was more than a one person job.

"It just doesn't make sense, though. I mean you can't have ten people help in a crime that would bring too much attention and most of those women are more concerned with their reputations that it really doesn't make sense for them to do it. I mean I break and enter all the time but no one cares about me."

Heath frowned. He tightened his grip on me.

"I care." He whispered.

I stared down at the floor and blushed.

"Would you like to see the spot where we kept the Queen's Rose?" Heath asked.

I looked at his face, he had a big smirk. He knew he had the capability to make me blush but he didn't want me to feel embarrassed. Aww! He was so sweet!

I cleared my thoughts trying to clear my thoughts with it. "Yes I would love to see that. Perhaps it will help us find out how someone would be able to break in and get it."

"The security guards have been trying to figure that out themselves. They have even tried to figure out who would even have access to it." Heath said.

We walked along the halls and turned down a corner then hit a dead end with a full length mirror on the wall.

Heath looked down the hall and stepped through the mirror.

A thousand thoughts flooded my mind.

But a voice could be heard over my loud thoughts.

"Trust me, walk to me." Heath's beautiful voice said.

It was just his voice, his perfect deep creamy voice that gave me chills when he spoke.

I shook my head.

I put my shoe into the mirror. It felt tingly. I closed my eyes and jumped. I started to tip over but before I fell threw the mirror big strong arms encased me.

"You all right?" He asked.

Chills went through my body. I quickly used him to pull myself up and then escaped into the room.

I couldn't believe what I was in. It looked to be some sort of prison.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

I still wouldn't look at Heath.

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