Chapter 5

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Waking up with a warm arm wrapped around me was the best feeling in the world. Heath and I were all cuddled up in each other's arms with my head against Heath's warm neck. Smiling, I took in this moment by breathing deeply and smelling his sweet scent. Cinnamon, my favorite! I wanted to move my head to his chest to hear his wonderful heartbeat, to feel like the moment was real. I mean if he had a heartbeat, it couldn't be a dream, right?

I moved my head ever so slightly. His heart was beating in his chest and with each beat, warming my own. This was real. A man cared about me. We were here cuddling in the wee hours of the morning. Of course, protocol demanded this never happen, but why? It was the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Suddenly, breaking my ecstasy, the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs jolted my attention.  I didn't care whether there was magic on the door or not, I was going to hide but not without Heath.

I remembered Heath had said that no one could hear us from the other side of the door even though we would be able to hear them but I still whispered as I tried to wake him up, "Heath, someone's coming." I said, while shaking him and moving my head so his couldn't lay on top of mine anymore. No more cuddles for us until we were sure the intruder was gone.

He was so cute though. He groggily woke up and his sweet face and green eyes looked even more beautiful than before. I sighed.

"What?" He yawned.

I snapped myself out of it. "Heath, someone is coming up. I know you said the door had a protection spell but just in case we need to hide."

I grabbed onto Heath's arm and pulled him up from the floor. He shook his head trying to wake up and be on alert. The steps grew louder and louder. We realized that the person was right outside the door. Heath pulled my closer and pointed to a trunk. Telling me to hide behind it. I did as he suggested. Heath went over to the door but hid where the hinge to the door was.

The doorknob slowly and eerily turned. I ducked my head to stay hidden. I prayed Heath would be safe. I needed him to be safe by the end of this.

The door squeaked open.

"Prince Heath?" the man's voice was familiar. I recognized that voice, the carriage driver! He was OK! Not if Heath got to him thinking he was the intruder!

"Heath wait!" I said jumping out from behind the trunk and accidentally scaring the carriage driver as he nearly fell back down the stairs when Heath caught him by his hand and pulled him into the room.

"Robert, we are going to need a call sign, so I don't try to beat you next time." He laughed and then closed the door.

"Well, Prince Heath you are now free to move about the castle as you please but the castle is on lock down and the other guests are all still in the ballroom we were wondering if you could help with the investigation." Robert said. He was still sporting a coat with tails, black slacks with suspenders and a white button-down shirt. Apparently, he always dressed like that or perhaps he hadn't changed yet like us.

"I would love to." Heath said without hesitation.

"Are you sure it is safe?" I asked nervous.

I am all up for an adventure but not at the expense of me being killed. All right that isn't true, but not at the expense of Heath dying. Why did I care what happened to Heath?

"We have gotten rid of the men who tried to come after you, but we still want to make sure the rest of them aren't threats to the kingdom or even have the Queen's Rose." Robert said.

Well, I was happy the crazy people weren't following us anymore but what about the other crazy people still in the building?

Robert opened the door to make his way down the I came forward to leave but Heath came in between me and the door. "Did I ever tell you that you are beautiful when you are asleep in my arms?" He said with a smirk. I felt like a red beacon I was blushing so hard. He seemed to find that even more amusing. He put out his hand. I put mine in his safe where it belonged. I blushed even more at the thought. He let me go first and we walked out of the secret passageway just the way we had walked in, holding hands. I needed to calm myself down before my normal coloring was red. We made our way through the tunnel and out into the library.

Beauty and the BeastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon