Chapter 4

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He pulled me towards to a dark wooden gold embossed set of doors that could probably of fit an elephant through them.

Once he pulled one open he said "Close your eyes," he still had that smirk on his face. He really was the troublemaker prince.

To appease him I closed my eyes but of course I peeked a little.

"Ah, ah ,ah" He would say to make me close them again. I smiled and giggled. I felt like a completely different person. All my worries floating away and I wasn't foolish enough to not realize that the prince was part of it. He was a fun guy. He made me feel important, heard, and like I really mattered and deserved to be spoiled.

"All right, now!" He said finally allowing me to open my eyes. I opened my eyes, and the room took my breath away. It was even bigger than the manor's library by an exceptional amount. It was even bigger than all the rooms in my cottage combined and then doubled. The glorious books in their array of colors rose up to the giant windows that were only above the bookshelves. I spun around there was another "room" but it was also an open concept. I ran through the library laughing which made Heath follow me laughing along with me.

The other section was almost set up like a schoolroom with chairs and tables every few feet. On end of the attached room were bookshelves in the middle of the room instead of out on the walls.

I then went to run back to the main room but bumped into Heath causing us both to fall to the floor with me on top of him. "Sorry princess but I wanted to come and join in the excitement especially to watch your face light up again but I didn't think you'd flatten me in the process." He said laughing. I smiled. I was so happy I could seriously kiss him and since I wanted to I decided I had to.I leaned down with the biggest smile on my face and puckered my lips. I brought them to his and electricity raced through my veins. I gasped or maybe he did I don't know but I quickly got up off of him and then ran to the main room. I needed to get away from him for a minute or two.

Collecting himself faster than I had presumed he jogged back and said "I have to show you something because you're going to love it." he said with his usual charming smile He then waked over to one of the bookshelves and pulled on it.

It was such a large bookcase I feared he would hurt himself but instead pulled only a small amount of the bookcase free just big enough to be a door and on the other side was a secret room. He knew me way to well. I made my way into the secret room and absorded every detail of the place. It had one simple wood table and a few sturdy wooden chairs around it with a few plush chairs on the edges of the room.

A fireplace was on one wall and the rest were covered in books so high I couldn't even figure out where they stopped since they seemed to reach the heavens with the big skylight up there putting the bright moon on display. The moon's rays illuminated the dark secret room.

Heath nervously put his hands in his pant pockets. "Do you like it?" He asked.

"Are you kidding?" I said giggling and twirling. "I love it!!!" I yelled.

"Shhh. You're going to make us get caught." Heath whispered as he walked closer to me.

I stopped twirling. "But you are the prince can't you just tell them you don't want to go back?"

"No not really though I do anyway." He chuckled.

I gave him a big smile. He stared at my smile and grinned then shook his head, "Pick whatever you want, or better yet as much as you can carry." Heath said.

I gasped. "You would really give me all these books?" Forget kissing maybe I should marry this man! I chuckled in my head.

"Well, they are clearly very precious to you, but if you don't mind me asking who taught you how to read and love books?" His question brought me back to the present. There would be no more kissing him and definitely no marrying though that was more of a joke, but who wouldn't want a man that gives them an exceptional amount of books? He was a prince in line for the throne and I was a girl who ate apples out of a dumpster to stay alive.

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