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As I exited the school and breathed in the fresh air, the guards at the school gates started questioning me.

"Hey kid, where you going? I'm sure nobody got expelled and nobody is dropping out; are you lost?"

"No sir, I'm leaving this school. This place is boring."

"This is the first time someone tried to leave the school impromptu. . .am I supposed to stop you?"

"Nah, the school will probably just mark me as a dropout. Anyways, see ya."

Well, that was easy. I headed towards the bus station with the intention of taking a bus to a different city. I'm not going to be caught that easily. I enjoyed my stroll, taking in the buzzing city life, with cars and people ringing in my ears. Although this scenery wasn't as peaceful as the school campus, it had its unique flavor.

However, after walking approximately 44 meters, somebody tried to jump me from the alleyway. I tried to dodge by jumping backward, but I was caught behind by somebody. I quickly spun around to sucker punch him in the face, but the person who tried to jump me grabbed me to stop my attack.

I tried to pull out of his grasp, but surprisingly, the combined force of these two people was more than I could handle. Now that I got a closer look. . .are they criminals? They had dragon tattoos on their faces and had punch perms. They proceeded to drag me into the alleyways.

"Whew, kid, you're tough. Don't worry, we're not here to hurt you," commented the one who grabbed me from behind. He had lean muscles and also wore sunglasses. How could they try to ambush me, then say, "I'm not going to hurt you?" What bullshit is that?

"I know, you're thinking 'what kind of bullshit is that!' but just chill out, y'know? Sometimes, the way to win in life is to take it easy and sail along~" remarked the man who jumped me. He had a bigger build than me and the other guy combined—paired with blonde hair, he represented some sort of delinquent boss. I wondered if his muscles were artificially stimulated, although he did overpower me, so maybe not.

"Who are you guys? Are you trying to kidnap me? Why is your hair so weird?" were questions that I wanted to ask, but I'm well aware of my position in the current situation. If I made a wrong move, my life could end instantly. Well, looks like my relationship with freedom-chan only lasted a couple of minutes, which is still longer than how long the reader lasts when they consume a lemon—

"Hmm, you're a silent one, aren't ya? Well, must be scary for some high schooler to suddenly get jumped by us yakuza!" laughed somebody down the alleyway. There must be a whole gang there.

I never expected to encounter the yakuza, though. I've had no interactions with them, and the white room project is wholly unrelated to them as well—who would need connections with gangsters to raise children, right? However, it could be a ploy set by that man to try to bring me back to the white room. Why wouldn't he use the agents, then? I didn't have enough information to figure out my predicament.

However, the yakuza group wouldn't do something as rash as kidnap or kill a high schooler from a government-sponsored school without a good reason and somebody backing them up, as that would damage their relations with the police. Along with what one of the yakuza said, there is a low chance of death. The chance of dying is never zero anyway, so this situation is more of an opportunity rather than a threat. An opportunity to connect with the yakuza. With my analysis completed, I decided to ask an obvious question:

"Why did you bring me here?"

"We were ordered by the government to be on the lookout for this kid named Ayanokouji if he ever decided to leave the school. And on top of that, we won't return you to the school, the government, or your dad; instead, you'll be with us," the lean man announced professionally. Now, this wasn't what I was expecting at all. Either he's a big liar, or I just got an easy way to escape from the white room without running around all the time.

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