Extraterrestrial Space Dogs Attack Advanced Nurturing High School Part 2

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I, along with my army of a variety of extraterrestrial alien robotic space dogs, decided to take a stroll outside while waiting for the reader's request. Hmm. . .I wonder what it will be. Will they ask me to destroy overrated characters? Maybe destroy all the furries with my small army?

As I was contemplating the infinite amount of possibilities the human brain can generate for a work of fiction, author-san teleported before me. I hope I don't get fucked.

"Hey protagonist, the reader request has come in. Here, take a look at it." Author-san handed me a fucking scroll, which produced some sort of ominous vibe.

"I hope you picked a reasonable request."

"Nah, you're about to get fucked."

I read the scroll, luckily written in Japanese, about the task I had to complete with my army of a variety of extraterrestrial alien robotic space dogs. I hope my army of a variety of extraterrestrial alien robotic space dogs won't get overworked. That wouldn't be good for my army of a variety of extraterrestrial alien robotic space dogs.

Survive in a demon lord's castle with Class 1-D while trying to escape various women trying to seduce you.

"Nah fuck this, you got anything else?"

"No barely anyone reads this lol."

"Damn. I have to get isekai'd and escape sexual harassment? Anyways, what exactly does 'survive' mean?"

"Means live until I don't feel like writing anymore."

"Well that's easy, you'll give me plot armor right?"

"Sadly, plot-armor-chan's still holding a grudge against you."

"Imagine holding grudges, she might inspire something in me. Oh well, I guess exotic experiences are just part of my life now."

"'Tis the life of a fictional character. Now, off you go."

I got sucked into the scroll along with my army of. . .dogs, taking me to a special timeline where fantasy reigns supreme. The only safety I have are these alien space dogs, and I'm really not sure if they can hold up against whatever the hell is in that world.

I landed on a dark, rough floor, seemingly built out of material from hell. Maybe I am in hell, who knows. As author-san said, my classmates started appearing around me as well. For some reason, I started considering them as human meat-shields.

"Oh? Looks like we've got some visitors." I heard a voice resembling that of a female entity coming from my right, and I looked there to find a horny women with horns growing out of her short dark blue hair. She better not be able to destroy galaxies by breathing.

"Where the hell are we?" Miyamoto shouted.

"Heh, Miyamoto-dono, isn't it obvious? We got isekai'd!" Sotomura exclaimed.

"Lucid dreamer mfs be like:"

"Bro thinks he's Kirito fr💀"

"Fuck isekai's they're the shittiest genre ever created."

"Cringe opinion, they're the best shit ever. Better than weed, worse than crack, I'd say."

"You sure you ain't high right now?"

"Silence!" A loud voice boomed throughout this hellish room, vibrating everyone's eardrums and probably breaking some of them. I looked at the source of the sound, only to find a tiny devilish purple imp with a gigantic burning trident 20x its size.

"Damn, you short as hell bro."

"That's right, I am hell itself."

". . ."

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