Gym Troubles

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Today was another peaceful day in my high school life. It was Saturday, Spring, the apogee of my serene school life where nothing wrong happens and everything is normal. I rose out of my bed, opened the curtains, and absorbed the Vitamin D from the sun, regulating my Circadian rhythm and ensuring I have a healthy sleep cycle.

I did my usual morning routine and walked purposefully toward the school gym. Like everything in this school, the gym was relatively modern and huge, with all the equipment you would ever need; weights, ropes, bands, you name it. Hell, there was even a head harness if you're that one quirky kid that needs it.

After showing my premium monthly gym membership card, I walked in through the glass doors and immediately regretted my decision. There were goofy cross-fitters doing their "reps," calisthenics mains hugging the fucking pullup bar like some sort of koala bear, and there were people who were solely doing hip thrusts.

Well, this was high school, and this was life; sometimes, you have to deal with it or ignore it. I walked past a girl who was crawling backward on the treadmill and prepared to do some squats with the barbell next to a powerlifter, who was taking a quick nap after three reps.

I did some active stretching to warm up my body, and then, as I was putting the weights on the barbell, I sensed a disturbance behind me.

The girl crawling backward on the treadmill was secretly recording me. Outside communication was not permitted in this school so it wasn't to flame me on social media for looking in her general direction, which means she must've had some other motive. Maybe she wanted to flame me in school? Maybe it's some sort of plan by another class? There were lots of possibilities, but after much calculation, I decided that the best and most effective way to narrow them down was to approach her.

I approached the wretched being, who just might have some sort of special mental disability. There sure was a fair share of disabled people in this school. She was crawling at 5km/hour and at an incline of 3, which is probably faster than some people could run in this modern world (the average American diet can especially use an exorcism right about now).

"Why are you recording me? This is a public gym space, and if you want to be rude I suggest you take it somewhere else." I attempted to sound like a Karen to intimidate the girl, yet contrary to my expectations, she flashed me a disgusted expression instead.

"Wow, you're such a gym creep, checking me out in a public space. I'm an underage high schooler, you know?" I didn't want to deal with her bullshit, so I smacked the shit out of her. I proceeded to flame her on social media for invading my private space in school, and since I was breaking the school rules anyways, I left the school and decided to explore the world.


579 words

Damn this is short af, gonna start writing every morning from now on so I can crank out some better stuff for y'all.

Would you prefer shorter, more frequent one-shots like this one or less frequent longer ones like the Christmas date one? That's a lot of ones, and there's probably only going to be one that cares enough to comment. Damn I'm snarkier than usual today, probably cuz I only got 4 hours of sleep.

See you next chapter!

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