Scavenger Hunt

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Based off a true story. . .okay not really.

It was a Monday morning, and I was heading to my classroom to attend homeroom. Yesterday, Chabashira-sensei announced that there was going to be some sort of special event happening today, and I was curious since it wasn't another special exam apparently.

I walked to the back of the classroom, where I sat down in my seat and started staring out the window. I could see some productive Keyaki Mall employees going around sticking pieces of paper everywhere.

"What do you think of Sensei's words about this special event?" asked my seatmate.

"What is there to think about, she didn't go into much detail," I responded.

"Knowing you, I thought that you would've known what the special event would've been about, but it seems like I overestimated your abilities," Horikita said. Damn, the audacity of this girl, too bad I can't even feel annoyed.

"What, did you think I was omniscient or something?"

"No, just that sensei's evaluation of you is much more than it should be. Recently, I've been enlightened, so I can reach Class A without any of your help," Horikita boasted. Seems like she's been watching too many Andrew Tate videos.

"That's good, don't feel like doing stuff anyways," I replied.

The bell rang, and Chabashira-sensei walked into the classroom, watching over us with her stern gaze. Following her was. . .Andrew Tate! Horikita's eyes shone in admiration. My random guess was right apparently. I've always thought she was the conservative type, but not in this one-shot/

"Hey kids, it's Top G here, and I'm going to introduce y'all to this special event that I'm hosting," Andrew explained. "All of you are going to learn how to escape the matrix and live in the REAL world."

"Hey, aren't you that misogynist guy on the internet? Why are you here?" Shinohara complained.

"Well, why don't you define misogynist for me?"

". . ."

"Yeah that's what I thought," Top G said proudly. "I haven't shown any hate towards women, and yet people are trying to cancel me. Why? Because the government and all those powerful people don't want me to break out of this matrix we're in. And that's exactly why I'm here. To teach the future leaders of Japan how to be REAL successful people."

"As Tate-sensei said, the whole school will be participating in this special event in order to learn more about practical thinking and problem-solving," Chabashira-sensei explained to all of the confused students. "The school has joined with Tate-sensei to educate its students on applying different concepts and strategies in order to make money."

"Is this going to be like a mini business simulator then?" Hirata asked.

"No, author's too dumb for that shit, so instead it will be a scavenger hunt." Chabashira-sensei responded, hurting author-san's feelings.

"Hmph, whatever the event, I'll ace it perfectly! There's no way I could. . ." Yamauchi tried to assert his dominance. However, Top G silenced him with his dominant stance, exerting pressure on everyone in the room. (What the fuck am I writing)

"Here are the rules. Each of you are going to receive a sheet of paper that you need to fill out. In case any of you nerds forget the rules, they are printed on the back," Chabashira-sensei spoke out, relieving some of the tension in the classroom.

The papers were passed from the front to the back, and before I noticed Andrew had already disappeared. I guess he's a busy man with this priorities straight.

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