The last one held the top of my gown, and as I screamed, he ripped it apart, revealing my bra.

"No! Stop!" I screeched, but nothing stopped. It all went on like a nightmare as my gown was tore down till it was two ways apart, showing off my panties this time.

Laura and Scarlett burst into another scornful laugh while recording.

"This will be the best video to go viral. And a better punishment for the evil you did to this pack! Dad will definitely love this." Scarlett giggled, and those statements were like sharp swords piercing my heart. Her laugh haunted me like monsters in the night.

The men were pulling away my clothes and would be moving to my bra soon. I could feel my head banged, and my heart clenching with extreme rage while I struggled futilely to free myself.

My eyes shut themselves tight, and I could feel my teeth chattering in fright at the thought of what was about to happen to me. It would be a huge disgrace, and my life would never be the same again. How will I ever face them after my nudeness goes viral.

My palms balled into a fist, but I couldn't do anything to save myself as the two hefty guards were pinning them side by side to the wall.

They were reluctant to unhook my bra or pull down my panties at first, but Scarlett was impatient.

"Pull off her bra and panties quickly and get this done. I need a good video here, or you can choose to get killed by my father. She is no longer the Alpha's daughter and is now a slave. Treat her like one!!" the stupid voice of Scarlett clanged into my ears as she warned them, leaving me gasping while shaking my head vigorously.

"No! No!! No!!" I kept begging and screeching at the top of my lungs as more tears streamed down my cheeks like rivers.

The touch of their hands on my naked body was irritating and disgusting for an inborn Alpha like me. It shattered my heart to pieces. My eyes were wide open and I could see Scarlett camera on me. it was more than I could have deserved for every crime I had committed.

When everyone in the pack sees this video, what's left of me? I would be a laughing stock who would be made fun of even by the children. All these scary thoughts rammed my head, and my wolf was unable to hold back as it began to break out of its confinement, yet I knew I was no match for anyone.

Although I had had my first shift, my wolf turned out to be the weakest and could be defeated by even the lowest-ranked Omega-one of the reasons my father abhorred my existence as his daughter. Killing his mate, and yet I could never come close to an alpha's strength and powers.

"Hit her if she tries resisting! No mercy on a heartless killer like her, or else you will be nabbed as her accomplice!" Laura chimed in and smiled at Scarlett, who returned with laughter before she made her way out after scanning me again for some time, like she was expecting something from me.

Just at that same time, with the combined strength of my wolf, I was able to release my right hand that was being held by one guard and swiftly punch him as hard as I could, also landing a headbutt on the one in front of me.

Maybe I shouldn't have done all that. Just maybe I should have stayed calm and faced my cruel fate. What I did sparked an extreme rage from the royal guards, and before I could blink twice, heavy blows and kicks from them began to rain on me.

My entire body was throbbing with pain, and my lips were already bleeding as someone kicked hard at my face. My stomach was burning with intense pain, which kept me from screaming as I whimpered in the torture.

"You all leave her, but go get a wolfsbane whip so I can give her some strokes before I go to school." Scarlett ordered, and my heart skipped a beat as I cringed in fear. I could remember how much it hurt, and now I couldn't think of having them again.

The bodyguards all left me lying there in pain, but I knew those pains couldn't be compared to what I would feel when Scarlett hit me with the wolf's bane whip.

I don't think I could survive, so I needed to beg for my life.

Rising to a kneeling position, I began to plead with Scarlett, and even as she dropped her phone, she had it up again to record me begging her for mercy while laughing hard, but I don't care about the shame, even when it breaks me. My life mattered the most

"Please, Scarlett, stop torturing me. Please. I didn't maltreat you or do you any wrong in the past. We aren't enemies. Why turn back at me because you are now in a higher position. I beg you to please stop..." I whimpered, sobbing like a baby as my hair scattered around my face, untidy and disheveled.

My stomach burned and churned with pain and hunger, and not even my head could stop banging. Alongside the soreness from many parts of my body due to how hard the bodyguards had beaten me earlier.

"I love seeing you cry hopelessly. It gives me joy and satisfaction. It makes me feel more like the Alpha's daughter..." She grinned and shoved her phone behind her back.

Just then, the guard returned with the whip, which was sizzling like boiling oil. It had been soaked in wolfsbane and would tear my skin at a touch-not to mention being flogged with it.

"You can leave." She smiled at the guard as she took it from him and turned to me, but the guard was reluctant. He seemed to have a message to deliver to her, but he was scared a bit.

"What are you still standing there doing?" Scarlett barked with a glare, and he shuddered but still drew closer and leaned closer to her ear, his eyes glaring with pure fear over something I couldn't tell.

Scarlett listened as he whispered something into her ear-it was something that made her cringe and tremble with a loud gasp as her eyes widened in the same alarming fear the guard exhibited.

"Lycan?" I heard her mutter under her breath.

I was confused and stared at them, wondering what the guard must have told her to make the almighty Scarlett shiver in fright. Even the whip in her hand fell off from the shock at whatever he had whispered to her.

My lips parted as I tried to inquire and get a sense of what was going on, but something strange and unexpected happened just then.

My nose caught a scent. A sweet smell which embodied everything beautiful my mind could think of. A smell of vanilla and sandalwood with a citrus note that really grasped my soul and drowned me in its intense warmth.

"Mate!" my wolf screamed.

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