An invitation to a party or something else???

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So this is also another imagination story I thought of.

I was in class zoning out and I was thinking some things like I and my friends went to a party and then we wore  good clothes and met  handsome and beautiful people. After that we  ate  delicious food then suddenly I got to know their secret and I saved my friends life.

Yea I know that I shouldn't zone out in class .And this type of imagination are kinda ridiculous. Anyways so I suddenly thought that I should make a short story on the basis of my thoughts.

Btw today was my test and I didn't do  well in that. The question were easy but I couldn't do them. But let's not talk about that. By the time the story will be published,my result may also come out.

Let's stop talking random things and get on with the story.

First the introduction of the character.

First the introduction of the character

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Suppose she is this.
The main character of my story.
Now let's start this story.


Two friends were having sleepover .One friend wanted to eat something so she went to kitchen and another friend started to get bored while waiting for her friend so she opened the t.v. and got scared .Why? did she get scared let's find out.

News:The police have found many bodies in the past few weeks.They thought that it is just a coincidence but it isn't as they found out that they have been murdered and the most important thing is they all are killed by the same person name R-

Amy couldn't watch the news as she was shaking very badly so she closed the news after calming down.At the same time Rose came towards her.

Rose:What happened bestie?Are you ok?What happen ?

Amy:Bestie,Stop all the question i just look the news and they are saying that there has been many murders lately.

Rose:Really let's watch that news again.

Amy turn on the t.v but there wasn't  any news coming on the t.v

Amy:What is this?The news was happening a few minutes ago.

Rose :Ok i believe you calm down .I think you are stressed out now so rest a little bit.And get well because we have to go to a party tomorrow .

Amy:No, i wont go .What if the killer kill us both in the party.

Rose:what are you saying?


Rose:Stop sleep now,don't know when will you stop worrying so much.

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