Story or real (edited)

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So I have edited this book .And anyone who would like to get their books edited can check out the book I mentioned in my feed .

And thank you for editing this incorrectrae

Now let's get on with the story.

Real Life Experience or Imagination?
First of all, thank you for reading this; I am very grateful for those who are. I would love it if you would help support me in my journey of writing this type of story. I am sorry if there are any grammatical errors!

And, please, let me know if I should continue to make this kind of story or not. Now, enough of my rambling. Let’s get on to the story…

This is a story which is either real or fake; I can’t say. But perhaps you can use your imagination to figure it out.
Once upon a time, there was a girl who preferred daydreaming to social interactions. She had a strong lack of social skills. She wanted to talk to her peers, she really did, but couldn’t figure out how to start a conversation. Everyone who knew her well made a point of telling her to stop her daydreaming and just approach another person and see what happens.

But others didn’t know that it was hard for her. Everyone saying the same things over and over made her sad and angry. It was something she was insecure about, but over time, she got used to it. However, she still wanted genuine people who cared for her.

She also wanted to feel love. Yes, she had her parents, her friends, and others with her. She liked some of them, but most of them only talked to her when they needed something. So, that’s what she decided to do back to them. Now many called her selfish.

Then one day one thing happened.

The girl was sitting alone in her room. She liked being alone, but she also wished desperately for company. She knew that soon somebody would come and tell her to go out and get some fresh air. But she was tired of listening to the same things over and over. Nobody would ever ask ‘are you okay?’ or ‘is something the matter?’. Everybody just judged her, so she judged them all back.

She was thinking about all this when, suddenly, she was surrounded by a rush of cold air. She shivered and looked around, noticing that the window was open. ‘I must have forgotten to close the window,’ she thought to herself. She closed the window and started to get ready for bed. All of a sudden, the window opened itself slowly with a faint squeaking sound.

The girl was scared by the noise, but rushed over to the window to close and lock it once again. She laid down in her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin and trying to feel safe again. After some time, she felt sleepy and closed her eyes.

Thud. Thud.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
The girl heard this sound after a moment, and she was shaking in fear, afraid to look. She was scared that she was going to die.

Then there was a lighting strike and all the lights suddenly went out. She became even more scared. She opened her eyes and saw that the window was once again open. She saw a figure sitting in the window. The girl screamed, and then all was silent.

Then the lights came on.

The girl was very embarrassed to admit it, but the figure she had seen in the window was just her curtain. How stupid of me, she thought. She got out of bed, saying to herself, “I am such a coward. I didn’t even know if it was the curtains or not.” All of a sudden she heard a voice.

“No. You are not a coward.”

The girl screamed, slowly turning around to find out there was a boy sitting in her bed. Shakily she asked, “Who are you?”

“Your worst nightmare.” Then he lunged at her with a knife. She backed away quickly, but got a slash on her arm.

The girl was terrified. “Who are you? Please don’t hurt me,” she begged, dropping to her knees in front of him.

“You don’t need to beg me. Stand up,” he said, looking amused with the situation. The girl hesitantly got up and sat next to him. “I am sorry I did that,” he said. The girl stayed silent. “What is your favorite colour?” he asked then. The girl once again did not respond. “You should answer me.”

“Wait,” the girl announced suddenly. “Everything that has happened to me happened to the girl in the film I saw.”


The girl checked the mirror and was terrified; the girl she saw looked like the girl in the film. She tried to remember any details she possibly could about the film. However, all she could remember was that the boy she was seeing now is the antagonist of the film. This boy’s name is kai. He kills people for fun. But one day he found the heroine, just like in many other movies, and fell in love with her.

But, like in any other movie, the heroine finds out about his killing habit and stops him. Meanwhile, the hero and the heroine find each other and fall in love. The villain does something to separate them, but he is not successful. The hero finds out about this and kills him.

And the heroine and hero live happily ever after.

‘Why am I in this movie? Was I reincarnated, or what?’ The girl thought to herself nervously. ‘And on top of that, now I think this boy in front of me is going to kill me.’ The boy then shook her shoulder.

“Hello? Are you still in there?”

The girl slowly came to her senses and asked, “Who are you?!”

The boy then said, “My name is kai”

“My name is [ Y/N ]. Why are you in my room?”

“Oh, I’m your neighbor! I lost my keys, so I asked your parents if I could stay here. They said okay. And the rest, you know.”

“Yes, but why did you try to attack me? Don’t tell me you thought of me as a thief?”

“I did,” the boy said sheepishly. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, your parents told me they are going to another country and will not come home for a few days. They told me I should take care of you.”

“Okay. Now I am going to sleep.”

“Where will I sleep?”

“Come with me.” The girl showed him to the guest room.

‘Why did I suddenly start to trust him?’ She asked herself. ‘I know he is the one who will kill me. Maybe this is all a dream. If I sleep, I might wake up in my room and be away from this man. I should be careful even if this is a dream.’ The girl closed the door to her room and locked it when she got back. ‘I should sleep now. I am getting tired.’

The girl laid down and fell to sleep.

But should she really be sleeping soundly when her killer is in the house? And is it really a dream?

Find out in the next part! I am going to write another part of this, so please look forward to it and tell me how the story is. Stay tuned!

Bye bye!

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