|Chapter 14| True Love ❤️❤️

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You began to respond, "Sam, I..."
"Yes! Why wouldn't I want to be your partner? You're the most perfect guy I've ever met. Seriously." You said as you leaned ver and kissed him.
His mouth soon turned up into a smile, "Really? This is great!"
This was only the beginning of your love story.
After you and Sam had ended up together, you went on many more investigations with him and Colby.
         "What's up guys it's Sam and Colby!"
                 "...And today we're at the Queen Mary Ship!"
                         "...And today we're at the Shanley hotel!"
                                "...And today we're at the Conjuring House!"
                                         "...And today we're at the Biltmore Hotel!"
                                                 "...And today we're at the Lizzie Borden House!"
And it went on. You ended up becoming their go to medium along with Amanda. Yours and Sam's love story grew to become the most adored story ever. Everyone who watched Sam and Colby wished for a love like yours.
After you and Sam having been together for about three years him and Colby had decided they wanted to do yet another tour thing to meet some of their newer fans. They started in one corner of the states and kinda just popped around each one for their little shows until their last one. Los Angeles.
"Sam, Colby. Sound check is in five!" Someone shouted from another room backstage. Sam seemed oddly nervous for this show, and it confused you. "Babe, are you alright?" You asked as you walked up to him. He just nodded, "U-Uhm, yeah. Just a little nervous. Even though we've done hundreds of these before. I really don't know why." That was a lie, Sam knows exactly why. He was ready to proclaim his love on stage tonight to YN. And create an everlasting love.
Time Skip to halfway through the show
"So. Sam here has something very important to say. But before we can begin, YN YLN. Get up here!" Colby shouted down at you. You face suddenly contorted in confusing, Me? Huh, that's odd. You thought nothing of it as Aria smiled at you and pushed you towards the steps.
"YN. This is the place we first met roughly three years ago. The place this love began. We both had no clue a small birthday surprise would turn into the biggest love story on the internet though, huh?" This caused chuckles from everyone in the room. "You have been by my side for three years now. Not just in a friends way, but in also in a career way. A love way. And most of all, an emotional way. You were there for all my ups and downs and I'll never be able to thank you enough for that." Suddenly tears started to come down Sam's face, "You truly are the love of my life, YN. And I need to ask you something." Sam slowly got down on one knee causing gasps to come from everywhere in the room. "Will you give me the honours of calling you me crazy funny partner in crime?" You nodded, unable to say words as tears streamed all down your face.
Who knew you would be marrying your idol?
You ran forwards and immediately kissed him, quietly you whispered into his ear, "I can't believe I'm fucking marrying my celebrity crush. Who gets to say they've done that?" This little sentence caused a laugh to come out of his lips. "Nobody does, babe. We get to make history." Aria suddenly shouted, "YO BITCHES. IM THE ONE WHO MADE THIS HAPPEN. BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT OF ALL IS A FUCKING HUSBAND. NOBODY CAN BEAT ME NOW. I DESERVE A BEST GIFT EVER AWARD!" You suddenly doubled over in laughter. "Yes, thanks to Aria I'm now here, on stage with my celebrity crush. And true crush. Now getting married! Well, not now but you get the idea." Laughs came from all corners of the room, "But guys, this isn't the end of our love. It'll only grow from here." You finished of with a smile.
This was your love story.
So, that's how I'm ending it. I know it's not the greatest but I realized I don't do well with the whole post for people and make them wait. It kinda adds some stress to my life I can't handle so from now on any stories I plan on writing myself should be fully written before I begin posting chapters. I'm really sorry it took my this long but I had the idea for it and was motivated so even if it's a small chapter to end of at least I liked it. I hope this will continue to grow even after I set it as finished, but we'll see. And for the last time in the book. I LOVE YOU SPUDS ❤️ 🥔

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