|Chapter 12|

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⚠️ Mentions of Selfharm and Panic attack⚠️
YN needs your help.
Arias POV
As soon as Sam told me that YN need my help, I booked it to the bathroom. "YN, open the door. It's me, Aria." I said, talking through the door, "..ok." YN said through the door. I soon heard a click, and the door opened. As soon as YN opened the door, they fell right back down to the ground sobbing. "Listen, YN. What happened that made you cut? I know you did, don't even try lying. You only act like this after you cut." I said, looking at YN, the only word that came out of their mouth was, "..Andrew.."
Oh hell nah. "Colby! Get in this bathroom right the fuck now!" I shouted, Colby walked into the bathroom, extremely confused. "So, YN is telling me that they ran into Andrew. We're you there for them when it happened? Or were you off enjoying a happy life!?" I shouted, I don't even know why I seemed mad. This had happened multiple times in the past four years, while YN was getting back to being sorta emotionally stable. So I was a bit overprotective. Colby looked down, kinda.. sad? "I missed the first part of the interaction. But! I did get to see YN flip Andrew off. That felt fucking nice. Even though I had no clue who he was."
That just made me laugh, "Good to know Colby. Good to know."
"Andrew had always been someone I never liked. He always had a negative energy. Somehow, YN didn't notice this. EVEN THOUGH THEY MIGHT BE A FUCKING MEDIUM." I shouted, causing YN to look up, "Hey! I didn't know I was a medium back then. I though I was just seeing his.. shadow. Not some negative energy attached to him." YN shouted. I now just feel bad. "Uh, sorry. Listen, Sam is waiting for you so that the two of you can head out. You should be good for now since you're wearing a long sleeve, but.. please be careful. It would be really bad if he found out by seeing. Not telling." Was all I said before grabbing Colby's hand and dragging him out of the bathroom. "Hey, is YN okay? Why did you need Colby and not like, just yourself? Is YN dying?" Sam kept on asking questions. You just snapped. "SAM! It's personal stuff, they don't wanna talk about it right now. Colby was kinda involved in the process of the personal stuff being remembered.. so I though he could help is all." You then turned away and walked out of the room. I'm not dealing with that now.
Sams POV
Aria just walked out of the room mentioning, 'personal stuff'. What does that even mean? I though YN told me all of the problems in their life after the conversation we had yesterday. I'm worried. Now I feel like there is something truly wrong in their life, but I need to stay positive. Think positive thoughts. We have a date today! That's nice.
Soon, I heard the bathroom door click open. "Uh, hey Sam. Do you think we could head to a coffee shop for our date? I don't really feel.. emotionally stable enough to go anywhere crazy." YN asked as they slowly closed the bathroom door, walking very carefully towards me. As if I was gonna hurt them. "Yeah that's fine with me. Also, I'm not gonna hurt you. Do you want cuddles?" I asked, they just nodded and walked over faster, sitting beside me and leaning in for cuddles. Amanda had decided to leave after five minutes because she had scheduled her flight home earlier then ours because she had another investigation to go on with some other team. That just left Colby, YN and I. Colby nodded at me, giving me the look of, 'do you want me to leave?' I shook my head, and looked down at YN. "Hey YN. Do you want to start walking to the coffee shop? Or should we get a cab 'cause our legs." I asked, they just held up two fingers. "But, can you get me an Advil or something before I move. My leg is burning." They asked, I nodded at them and tried to stand up, but fell immediately. Suddenly a burning sensationwent up my leg, "FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I shouted, alerting YN and Colby about my situation on the floor. "Holy shit. Holy shit. What do I do? Are you both injured? Should we go to the hospital?" Colby started muttering. "Colby, call a cab. Tell the cab to get here quick, as we need to head to the hospital. Don't tell them why though." Was all I said before I noticed YN started to hyperventilate. I began shuffling over to them, "YN, listen. I know you don't have the greatest memory's of hospitals. No one does, but I believe we can do this. We're gonna be together. Here, hold my hand and squeeze it as I breath. Then start following my breathing patterns. Okay?" I said as I grabbed YN's  hand. They soon started to adjust to my breathing patterns, as the could feel how I was breathing with how my hand had been moving in theirs. After about five minutes, Colby came up to us. Okay, Aria is coming to carry YN. I'll carry you, okay? Then the four of us will be heading down to the car and going to the hospital." Colby said as we all heard the door open, "Hey! It's me, I made sure I wore something I'm comfy in." Aria said as she walked over, quickly picking up YN. "Come on, Colbs. The car is waiting." We started to all head to the elevators, and head down to the lobby. Colby began to walk over to the dude at the counter, "Hey, do you think we could have the hotel for another week or so? Our friends are kinda seriously injured and we have to head to the hospital." He said as he arrived to the counter, the man looked confused, "What do you mean injured?" He asked, Colby looked at me, mentally asking, 'can I tell him?' I nodded. "So, two of my friends share an attachment, and last night they had the same dream. Both waking up in extreme pain to both have the word redrum scratched into their legs. It was quite deep too, but just now they both agreed to go to the hospital. Now, we have a car waiting. The names under Sam Golbach, spelt G-O-L-B-A-C-H. Thanks!" Colby yelled as he walked out the door. He began to speed walk to the car, setting me in beside Aria and YN. Mean, just great. I'm in the middle. Colby climbed into the front, "Hey, sorry for the delay dude. It was kinda difficult to carry our friends down and out here. Now, just head to the nearest hospital." Colby said to the driver, he just nodded and started to drive.
Your POV
I decided I should call my mom before she gets a call from a random hospital in Colorado, telling her that her kid is.. idk. Gonna die. She can barely handle hospitals now too, after.. the incident. You made sure it wasn't on speaker before calling
Ring ring! Ring ring!
M = Your mama Y = You
M - "Hey baby, what's up?
Y - "Uh, hey mom. So.. Sam and I kinda injured ourselves really badly. We're heading to the hospital now. Don't be to worried, we just had a spirit carve some stuff into our legs. Nothing much.
Sam was obviously able to hear my mom yelling through the phone, so he quickly asked, "YN? Is everything alright?"
You took a deep breath in, and let it out before answering.
Y- "Sure, but I want to say this before you yell at them. The ghost-s plural. Came from the Queen Mary and Sallie House. Not the Stanley hotel. They didn't get me possessed. Although, Sam and I share the two attachments. So we're actually connected which is why we both got scratched."
M- Oh, well.. I still would like to talk to them. Or, at least Sam if he's stealing your heart!"
Y- "fine, we're in a cab right now, so I'll just give the phone to sam."
You passed the phone over to sam, and whispered in his ear, "Uh, she might yell at you. She also may talk about what I enjoy for a date. She honestly thinks we're 'in love'." He just laughed and nodded. You kinda zoned out after you passed the phone to him, so you didn't hear anything from the call. "Hey, YN. We're here. Come on. We gotta head in. By the way, Sam still has your phone and is just looking at stuff cause he didn't want to take you from your thoughts." Aria said as she picked you up. "WAIT! He has my phone and is looking through things!? Hell nah!" You shouted, quickly hopping out of Aria's arms and back into the car, "Don't fucking go through my phone. I was just thinking about some really unimportant things! You could've bugged me!" You shouted at Sam as Aria grabbed you again. The reason you were so protective over your phone is because you have an app to check all your mental health stuff. Last time you cut, last depressive episode, last panic attack. Which is updated most often. Last mental break down, and most importantly. Last day I thought about suicide. That day, was.. today. Yes, today. I really hope he didn't see that app. I can't do anymore emotional break downs. And, uh. Reason I thought about suicide. Andrew. I couldn't handle telling Colby about any of that. It was to much after the Andrew thing, so I just wrote it in my app. You had zoned out again, so by the time,you were back on Earth, it was because yours and Sam's names were being called.
"Sam Golbach and YN YLN?"
Heya spuds! Todays word count is 1716, which is kinda impressive. Also, I know some people don't like cliff hangers. But they work best for people to remember what's happening in the book when reading, cause they can't read the chapters all at once. This chapter is being written on Jan.6.2022 just so that I have time tomorrow for all the stressful airport stuff and so I'm not worried about writing a chapter to post Monday. And, ik that's like three days away from when I'm writing this. But I'm going shopping Sunday, and travelling most of tomorrow, (Jan.7.2022) so leave me alone. Anyways, see ya next chapter spuds! (I know it's weird talking to past me. It was weird writing this, but just deal with it. I'm tired and it's late.)
It's me again! Just wanting to say I'm posting this a bit early for me. I'm gonna be super busy tomorrow, and I want to make sure you guys get your next chapter. So, here ya go! Love you spuds. ❤️🥔

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