|Chapter 7| Kisses, featuring a PILLOW FIGHT!! 😘◻️

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Warning! ⚠️Talks about drugs and alcohol, as well as family death.⚠️
This is the day, I become a true paranormal investigator.
Shortly after Sam finished the intro, we headed into the hotel to get our room keys. Sam had tried to get us room 217, as that's the room The Shining was writing in, all just from a dream.. But sadly, the room had some, ' Maintenance' issues, so they had to close it off to the public. So we got room 428, and some other random room. I don't recall which one. We had decided, I would be with Sam and Colby in one room. Then Aria and Amanda would be in the other room we got. Girls in one, complete messes of beings in the other. Simple logic, really! "Come on, YN. Let's head up to our room to put our stuff away." Sam said as he grabbed your suitcase. "Uhm, I can deal with me own suitcase..? You know that, right?" You asked, looking very confused. "Oh yeah, I just wanna be kind. This video is a birthday gift after all.. right?" Sam replied, you just said sure to agree with him to not cause an argument. You soon walked into the room you and the guys would be sharing. The room had changed since the video they did with Cory and Jake. You were the first one to mention it, "Hey guys, it's changed since last time you were here.." you said, trying to say it loud enough for the camera to pick it up. "How the fuck did you notice that before us? We were the ones who actually went here!" Colby said, surprise taking over his face. You just said shyly, "Oh, I'm a very avid watcher of you guys.. sorry if that seems creepy or anything. It's just I've never really had the greatest older brother figure, or figures in my life. I had two brothers.. They were both alcoholics before they got into an accident from drunk driving... so yeah." Sam's face quickly turned into empathy. "Colby, can you go take the camera to Aria and Amanda's room. I wanna chat with YN." He said as he handed Colby the camera, "Sure thing, Sam. I'll leave you two be." He replied. Once the door was shut, Sam brought the two of you over to the couch, sitting you down and grabbing his water from his bag. "Do you want to talk about it? I'm here for you if you need.." He said, handing you his water. You just took it without thinking, taking a sip then slowly beginning to talk. "My father left my family when I was young. My mother hasn't told me why yet.. but that's not the problem. My brothers were about fifteen when he left. They were actually twins, they had an amazing bond and did everything together. But, after my father left... they took up drugs, and alcohol. Whenever my mom left her house, the took swigs from the whiskey bottles, secretly snorted coke in their rooms, or at party's they went to. Somehow I figured that out, even when I was five. But my mom didn't. Once they turned 21, they ran off to bars from 9 in the morning, til like 3 or 4am, it was painful. Watching that each morning, as I woke up getting ready for school." Tears started to fill your eyes, the hard part was soon, "On September 28th, 2015.. 3:27am.. They crashed. The two of them were just driving home, they had decided early that day, that they were gonna clean up their act. They even told me so.. I was so excited.." Sam looked over at you, seeing the tears fall down your face. "That night was their last night at the bar.. hopefully. On their way home they weren't paying attention when driving, which driving was already a stupid decision.. but sure." You said laughing, "They crashed into a car, I still remember the license plate number.. it was ******. The driver had died too. It was a really rough night for my mom and I. That all happened when I was 13, so I've accepted it. But it still hurts sometimes to this day. I wanna thank you for what you helped me with. Even if you didn't know it." You finished off, a small smile creeping onto your face. Suddenly, you saw Sam's eyes look down, then slowly back up. You realized he had looked at your lips. You just gave a small nod and he slowly leaned forwards, locking his lips with yours. His lips felt like the missing piece to your puzzle. Like he was all you needed to be free. You faces moved in sync, slowly, you leaned away and smiled, "So.. it wasn't just me feeling those things..?" You asked, Sam just laughed and replied, "No, it wasn't. As soon as I saw you at our tour, I just couldn't stop looking at you. I felt the connection from the beginning.." That quickly brought a huge smile to your face, "Well, good to know." You said as you leaned forward and kissed him again. The moment got ruined though when the rest of the crew decided to walk through the door of the room right at that moment. "Finally, YN! I was waiting for so long!" Aria shouted running to give you a hug, "Well if you were waiting for so long, why exactly did you ruin it?" You snapped back. Aria just nodded, grabbed everyone's hands, and bolted out the door. "Damn, didn't expect that to work. Good job, YN." Sam said as he pulled you closer to him, giving you a very sweet and passionate kiss on the lips. "Thanks, Sam. Though if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have even had the situation you idiot!" You shouted at him as you pulled away, grabbing a pillow. Preparing for something intense, "It's pillow fight time!"   You shouted, running towards Sam with the pillow lifted above your head. You ran towards Sam, smacking him across his head with a pillow, as soon as you made contact with his head he realized what was actually happening. After he realized, he bolted towards the bed in the room, grabbing two pillows, one for a shield, and one to whack you with. After about 30 minutes of pillow fighting, you guys got super tired, "Hey Sam, message Colby and say he can come back to our room. I'm heading to bed." You said, sleepily walking towards the bathroom to brush your teeth. Once you walked out of the bathroom, you realized there was only one bed, "Uh, who's sleeping in the bed tonight..?" You asked as you walked over to your bag, putting some stuff away. "Oh, you and Sam are gonna take the bed. I figured you guys would like that. If not, I can sleep on the bed with you or you can sleep on the couch and Sam and I take the bed." Colby said, still staring down at his phone, "No, I'm alright with taking the bed and sharing it with Sam. It's not that big of a deal." You replied, walking over to the bed, "Now I'm heading to bed, so Colby.. Could you please get your ass off the bed?" You asked him. He looked up and burst out in laughter, "After asking so nicely, absolutely!" Colby said, standing up from the bed, "Night guys, see you at three." You said, pulling the covers over yourself.
Three am, we were doing a séance.
Hey guys, I'm updating twice in less then 24 hours! Woah. Anyway, todays word count is 1264 without this little note. Love ya spuds! See you next chapter.

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