|Chapter 8| Séance Time! 🕯

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Three am, we were doing a séance.
You couldn't sleep for some reason. You kept tossing and turning, "Hey, are you alright, YN? You've been tossing and turning since you sat down to head to bed." Sam asked, rubbing your leg through the blanket. "I'm fine, I just feel like I'm being watched." As soon as the words left your mouth you watched a.. thing..? Phase through the wall, making you jump, "AH, JESUS CHRIST!" You shouted, backing yourself onto the backboard of the bed, "Uhm, what are you seeing YN?" Sam asked with a worry stricken face. "More fucking ghosts." You say, shaking from the inside out. "Do you want snuggles?" Sam asked sweetly, "They might help..?" You just laughed and said, "Sure, Sam. Come on." As soon as Sam climbed into the bed for snuggles, you felt right a peace. Soon after you drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Or so you thought.
In your dream.
'Where am I?' You though to yourself as you looked down a familiar hallway. It was like you've seen it somewhere, you just couldn't put your finger on it. You looked around and saw old looking wallpaper. It was white with little blue flowers on it, they looked kinda like roses. You looked down to see blue carpet, running down the halls of what looked to be a hotel. 'Huh, that's odd. This doesn't look like the Stanley hotel..' soon after you heard something behind you, so you looked back and saw something moving along the floor. As soon as you realized it was moving you bolted down the hallways, turning to you right a few times til you couldn't, there was only a left turn. So you turned to the left. As soon as you turned, you saw to little girls wearing blue dresses with white aprons on. 'Come play with us. Come play with us.' They kept repeating, soon you heard slithering behind you, 'Come play with us.. forever.' They said in a monotone voice. You tried to reply but felt your throat being clamped together, you looked down ever so slightly and saw a water hose, wrapping around your neck. Causing you to suffocate. Soon, you felt something scratching at your leg. It kinda felt like someone was writing something into your leg.
"HOLY FUCK!" You shouted in pain. You began feeling a weird heat on you leg. Soon after you shot up from you sleep, Sam shot up, gasping for air. "OWWW. THAT FUCKING HURTS!" Sam shouted, "Wait, you felt a pain too?" You asked looking shocked. "Yeah.. you felt that too- OH SHIT, LOOK AT THE SHEETS." You looked down, and they were stained red. Colby had woken up from you shouting and rushed over."What the fuck is happening that you two are yelling this much at.." Colby looked over to the clock. "3:00am.." "Colby, look at the fucking sheets and you'll figure it out." You said, bitting down on your tongue so you didn't scream in pain. Colby looked down and saw the sheets soaked in blood, "Oh my god! Pull the sheets down!" Colby said, you slowly pulled the sheets down so you didn't injure yourself more. Once the sheets were down you looked down at yours and Sam's calves. In them were written REDRUM, it cuts that went deep into your skin. As soon as the three of you had all noticed, the room went silent. "Colby... get me the first aid, then go wake up Amanda and Aria. Now." You said, still gasping in air, as it still felt like you were suffocating from your dream. Colby ran to the bathroom in your guys hotel room and grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink, running back towards you and Sam. He quickly threw the kit on the bed, running out the room after that to get Amanda and Aria. "Sam, I'm gonna need you to sit up so I can wrap your legs." You said, attempting to sit yourself up, screaming in pain, "YN. You should wrap your leg first, I'll just wrap me leg up with me shirt for now 'til your done.. okay?" He said, leaning over slight to give you a kiss on your forehead, "Okay.. I guess." You responded, slowly moving your self so you could wrap you leg. You quickly washed it with your shirt that was at the end of the bed, soaking your shirt with water from the bottle beside you. You began wiping at your leg to Rome some blood before wrapping you calf in the bandages in the kit. Once you had you leg wrapped up, you hopped out of bed, limping ever so slightly. As soon as you hopped of the bed, Colby came running back in with Amanda and Aria. "YN! Back on the bed, I need Amanda to look at these before you wrap them both." Colby shouted at you before running over and picking you up, dropping you on the bed. Sam looked jealous.. his face had become all stiff as soon as Colby had picked you up, and it was quite funny. "Alright, Amanda. You're gonna need to look at Sam's. I already wrapped mine up, but they looked almost identical." You said, attempting to prop your legs up with pillows. Amanda ran over to look at Sam's calf, but she soon paused. "Uh, YN and Sam. There's a negative energy near you guys. He looks to be about eight feet tall." Amanda said. This was the first time you had seen her get scared from any spirit or being she's seen. "He.. he said that you guys are his toys. And that soon, you will help him with his plans. What's your name.. sir?" She soon backed up, "YN. Wrap Sam's leg, then we're leaving. This being is beyond my ability. He's, able to attach himself to two people, and.. link them forever." She said, looking scared as ever. That just freaked the crew out more. "But our seance? And also, your saying, my third ever haunted experience.. I have an attachment." You ask, Amanda just replies super seriously, "Yes, and he seems to have come from the Queen Mary. And we can stay for the seance, but not for long." This sent you over the edge. You quickly began wrapping Sam's leg. Looking over, you had noticed Colby was filming this all, "Great Colby, use our pain for click bait." You said, laughing super quietly. Colby just shook his head and responded, "Hey, we're gonna need more content now that we have to speed through this because of you two!" Damn, I didn't think of that. Now I feel bad. "Oh, I'm sorry about the fact YOUR BESTFRIEND AND FAN HAVE AN ATTACHMENT CONNECTING THEM FOREVER!" You said, shouting the last bit, "Now, Amanda, what do you mean by 'connected forever.'?You asked, wondering what that actually meant. "It means, the two of you are most likely soulmates. Spirits or 'beings' don't attach themselves to multiple people unless those two people have a connection already." Amanda responded, calmly. You just sat there, shocked. Aria just tried to break the silence, "So... séance?" You just laughed and said, "Yeah, I just need to talk to Sam real quick." You quickly pulled Sam off to a corner in the room, "So earlier in the car when we were talking about attachments," you started, "Do you think the reason we feel free from the attachment when we're together is 'cause we share an attachment? Or could it be because of the connection we have or whatever that makes us feel free?" Sam just sat there thinking, "Well, who knows? All I know is that this means you need to continue going on investigations with Colby and I." You smiled, "Yeah, I'd love that. Now, let's go do that séance!" You said as you walked over. Colby perked up when he saw you coming back, "Hey, the séance stuff is set up. Are you and Sam ready?" He asked. You looked back at Sam, giving him the look of 'are you ready'. He just nodded, and began walking over, "Yeah. We're ready." You said as you began to sit down in the circle the three of them had created. Amanda soon looked in the corner, "YN and Sam. Hold hands, if you two are touching, the.. being leaves. And then we can be certain we're not talking to him." You looked kinda sad, "Aw.. but I wanna know more about my new ghost bestie!" Sam laughed and said, "Alright, sure. WE can learn about the new ghost bestie we have." "Uh, I don't think he likes being called 'ghost bestie' I can tell his face is getting all crumpled every time you say it." Amanda says. This reminded you of something, "Hey, Amanda? I have a question. How come I can see some ghosts or spirits, but can't see Sam and I's attachment?" You asked, Amanda though for a moment before her eyes lit up, "Probably because the attachment IS attached to you. I think it'd be a bit difficult to see something stuck to you." She said, "that's spiritual anyways, not if it was some paper sticking to you. That's be obvious." That caused all of you to laugh. "Thanks for bringing some light to the situation, Amanda. I need that." You said. Soon, Colby started the séance. You asked a few questions before Colby suggested something, "Hey, YN. Do you want to do a Estes method, so we can try and contact your attachment and learn more about him?" "Sure! I'm alright with that!" You replied, knowing this would end in a nightmare of a night.
Estes time..
Heya spuds! Todays word count is 1623. A fair few more then normal. Anyways, I'm prepping some chapters for when I go on my trip, so I probably won't be posting for a bit so I have time to write the chapters. I'll make sure I have enough for a least one a week. But I hope to have a least two, we'll see. Love ya spuds!

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