|Chapter 4| Time to Fly! ✈️

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Tomorrow, I will be flying to a different country with my idols. Who knew?
Time skip to the next morning
Beep! Beep! Beep! Thunk...
"Ugh, why do we have to fly so damn early.." you said groggily as you sat up. Sam rolled off the bed beside, causing a loud thunk to be heard across the whole apartment. "I'm very awake now. God dammit that hurt!" Sam shouted walking off to get dressed. "Hey, Sam! Can I get changed in your bathroom?" You shouted towards his closet. "Yeah, just make sure to lock the door. Colby is weird about that and for some reason uses my bathroom!" He shouted back. "What the fuck man! I like your bathroom 'cause it's bigger! Not just for no reason!" Colby shouted down the hall towards Sam's room, you both fell to the floor in laughter. "Guys! We need to get ready! We need to be at the airport by five! Hurry your fucking asses up!" Aria shouted at us from the kitchen, I kinda figured she was making some coffee. In about thirty minutes, everyone was dressed and ready. We were all about behind schedule, by the time we left the house it was quarter to five. "Fuck this shit. I'm speeding who gives a fuck." Colby shouted as he ran to his car, us following closely behind with all our bags. We quickly through them into his trunk and hopped in. Once we were in the car, Colby didn't wait a second for us to get buckled and just drove off. "Colby! We weren't even buckled! We could have died!" Aria yelled from the backseat towards Colby. "Who fucking cares! We might be late!" Colby retaliated.
Time skip to when they arrive at the airport
"Hallelujah! We made it!" Sam shouted as he ran through the airport. You guys were lucky and only arrived at 5:15, so you thankfully had some time. The four of you quickly made your way through security, and bag check. After you had all finished you realized that none of you had any food this morning. Only a cup of coffee, "Uh, guys? We might want to get some food so we don't die of starvation." You said as you walked towards your gate. "That's smart! Let's go to Subway and get like a six inch sub, before we head to our gate." Aria said, after you had all agreed, you got everyone's orders and walked over to Subway, whilst, Aria, Sam, and Colby tried to find your gate. There was no line, just one young lady working, and an older lady who looked pale. Almost see through. You just walked up to the counter and began ordering, "Hey! Can I get a 4 six inch subs, one with (Colby's order here), one with a standard cold cut combo, one with (Sam's order here), and the last one with (Your order here)." You asked, "Yep, we'll have those ready in a moment. Your order number 83."The lady behind the counter replied. "Thanks!" After 5 minutes, the lady behind the counter said, "Hey, number 83. Please come grab your stuff and pay for you order!" You walked up and quickly tapped your card on the machine as the lady packed up your sandwich's. "Have a good flight today!" She said as she handed you your food, "Thanks! Also, sorry that you have to deal with her." You pointed to an old lady behind her, "She didn't seem to help with my food whatsoever." The young lady looked quite confused, "Who? I'm working alone..?" "Uhm, sorry. I must have been imagining things." You replied, trying to rush out of that place as fast as possible. That was odd. How come she couldn't see the old lady? She looked so real! Kinda see through though.. OH MY GOD! She was see through! You ran back to, Aria, Colby, and Sam as fast as possible, "Guys! I think I can see ghosts!" You yelled panting as you were out of breathe. Everyone around you looked your way. "Sorry! I didn't mean to be so loud!" "Uh, care to explain, YN? Or just say you can see ghosts and go on with your day? Also, can we get our food whilst you explain to us what happened?" Sam asked, "Oh yeah, here's all your subs." You replied, after you handed them your subs you began explaining what happened.
Time skip to after you told them what happened
"So, you saw an old ghost? Then ran out panicking?" Colby asked as you paced back and forth. "Yeah! And now I'm worried my house is haunted 'cause I see shadows in my basement! What if those are ghosts to!?" You replied, as you began to hyperventilate. Sam saw this a pulled you down beside him. "Heres my water, take as few sips and take in a nice few deep breaths, and calm down." After sam had done this, you had begun calming down already. His voice is so smooth, and calming. I just want him to tell me how to solve all my problems and be there for me and— wait! Do I like him. I can't, he probably has a girlfriend. I mean, how would he not? He's cute and really funny. "Uh, YN? Are you okay you zoned out and just stared at me for a solid few minutes." Sam asked as you came back to Earth after your daydreaming, "Oh, yeah I'm fine Sam, I just zoned out." You replied. "Boarding gate 73. I repeat, boarding gate 73." The announcer said over the speakers. "That's us! Come on! Let's go!" Aria shouted, running to the boarding bridge. Passport in hand. "Aria! Calm down and wait for us." You said as you ran to catch up to her. Once you caught up you all got into line. Shortly after you lined up the four of you made it to the front of the line, "Tickets and passports please." A man said in a very monotone voice. The four of you handed him your passports with tickets inside. "Your in first class, at the back of the plane. Each first class seat is in pairs of two. Y'all have two pairs, find a way to spilt yourselves up." "Thanks sir! Have a good day!" You replied towards the man, running off towards the bridge. "So, wanna spilt like we did last night? Aria and I in one pair, you and Sam in another?" Colby asked. You just simply nodded at him, grabbing Sam's hand and dragging him towards you seats. Shortly after you and Sam had gotten to your seats, everyone else had settled onto the plane. Meaning the announcements began. You listened to them, trying to pick up as much as you could so you could calm your nerves, as you got very nervous when flying. Soon after the announcements ended, you texted Aria.     A = Aria     Y =You
Y - Aria, I hate flying, but I don't want to bug Sam. Can you help?
A - How? I'm in a different seat?
A - Actually, I have a plan.
Arias POV
"Hey Colby, can you text Sam and tell him to calm down YN? Their nerves get really bad whilst flying." You asked Colby as you began getting comfy. "Sure, just gimme a sec." Colby replied
Back to your POV
Suddenly, I heard Sam's phone ding. You tried to get a peek but just saw that the message was from Colby. What was Aria planning exactly? "Hey, YN. Do you want to hold my hand whilst we take off? Sometimes that helps me calm down." Sam asked. DAMMIT. Aria told Colby to text Sam about my nerves. This won't be fun. "Uhh... i-if I could..?" You asked, stuttering as your nerves really started to show. "Here, it'll be okay." Sam said as he took your hand and placed it in his, normally the fan girl in you would be freaking out, but now he's actually calming you down. Impressive how after only knowing these dudes in person for like 4 days, you already fell completely relaxed with them.. it was like you had a special bond with them. But you couldn't put you finger on it, but it felt like something was pulling you and Sam closer together.
"Get ready for lift off everyone. And enjoy your flight."
Hey guys! So, I've decided I'm gonna prep a few chapters to post starting soon. As I'm on Christmas break, so I'll have chapters prepped to start posting from now, until January 15 maybe. As I'm heading on a Disney trip after my break. I'll try and post every Monday and Thursday, I know odd days. But who cares? It works best for spacing, and time wise for me. Hope you all have amazing holidays! Also, the word count is a total of 1396 not including my little note! Anyways, see ya next chapter spuds! 🥔

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