|Chapter 10| Fake Love.. 💔

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I have the date of my life.. so soon
Wow, that was not what I was expecting. Who knew Sam would be the guy to not ask you on a date but be like 'Hey, date. tomorrow. I'll pick you up.' But, I'm okay with that. Normal, I would fight someone who 'asks' me out like that. But who cares. Sam is perfect for me, after all we are connected. BEEP! BEEP! "Ugh, Sam.. turn off the alarm. I was enjoying my brain being an extreme over-thinker." Was somehow the first thing you said, not even a 'good morning' Sam just began laughing, "Alright, jeez YN. I thought you were a morning person." Sam replied jokingly. Colby had just woken up to see the two of you laughing, so he definitely was confused to say the least, "Did I miss something, or did y'all snort cocaine?" Colby said, sitting up slowly, rubbing at his eyes with his palms. His question just made the two of you laugh more, "No, the first thing I said this morning was 'turn of the alarm, I wanna continue overthinking' so Sam and. I just died of laughter from that." You replied, trying to roll over so you could talk to Colby sorta face to face, but since you were pretty much on the edge of the bed you just rolled right off. Causing the three of you to all die of laughter.. Until you heard a bang from the closet. "Uh.. what was that?" Was all you said as you slowly walked over to it. You saw the shadow of someone's feet, and thought someone snuck into your hotel room sometime in the night. But when you opened the closet, nothing was there. "Guess the gay wasn't ready yet." You said, walking away from the closet. (I can make these jokes, I'm pan) Colby and Sam fell to the floor, breaking into yet another laughing fit. Soon you guys heard knocking on your hotel room door. It freaked you guys out cause you all honestly though it was another ghost or some shit. You opened the door to see Aria and Amanda sitting there, "Uhm, why did it sound like someone was dying in there?" Was all Aria asked as they walked in. "Oh, I made a joke about the ghost in the closet being gay, that's all." Was all you said as you walked back to the bed, and since Sam was back on the bed, you had decided you would lay across his legs. Aria just raised her eyebrow at you, you mounted in response, 'I've got a date later.' Her jaw soon hit the floor. "Aria, you good? You acting like you saw a ghost. No pun intended! I swear!" Colby said, Aria just quickly picked her jaw up off the floor and said, "Oh, I'm fine. Just.. it's weird knowing that we might never see you guys again." Her eyes began to water. "No hell naw! Aria, you and YN are coming back on more investigations. We literally are stuck together for life, there's no way I'm just going, 'Haha, peace out fan. Thanks for making us seem nice.' YN and I have a connection, and since you and Colby seem to be all lovey dovey. You two are coming back." Sam said as he lifted you off his legs, "Now, I need to take a piss. YN and Colby. Get dressed. Aria and Amanda, you two also need to get dressed. We're heading out soon to go the a different hotel where we won't get haunted. YN, put something cozy on. I'm not gonna be to extra today." You just nodded, "Aria, we'll talk about the date later. Amanda, I want to talk more about attachments at our new hotel?" You said as you tried to push them out the door, "Wait, date?? And you didn't tell me? Who is it with, where are you going? Can I help you get dressed?" Amanda kept asked more questions, "Okay, it's with Sam. I have no clue where we're going. And no, I'm getting dressed on my own. Now, I can't distinguish the rest of the words you're saying, so goodbye." You quickly said, pushing them out the door. Jeez, they're something else.
One you pushed the two of them out the door, you walked over to your suitcase and picked out a cute outfit you had packed.
I was a cute outfit with a nice sweater and overalls. (Picture below, also, it was the cutest androgynous outfit I could find.)


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