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Chapter 31| Even more trouble

"My death is close Nova, I can feel it. Last night, Scythe caught me eavesdropping on him and his guys.
Scythe is not the man in charge Nova, I don't have much time left you have to find Hang. I don't know exactly who he is. Scythe will be the death of me but Hang...I know he'll be yours"

Cadence's diary, page 32


Hang. Hang. Hang

The alias keeps repeating itself in my head. I've heard it before but it's like a far away memory I can't reach no matter how hard I try

My family went over to update and pick Rune up from the hospital while I stayed here, the first thing I did when they left after I got that text was to dig through Cady's diary and the name caught my attention

I didn't read the whole thing but I know Rune did. I just don't understand why she tried to connect all the dots alone, writing it down in some sort of death diary before telling me or Rune

We could've solved it together, protected each other. I could've seen the accident coming maybe

Hang. Hang...

God why can't I remember it without feeling phantom hands all over me?

I hear cars pull over in the driveway after Murky — the giant guard in charge of all the others — makes sure all the security checks are done right on his walkie talkie

Rune bursts into the cozy living room, he looks ridiculous trying to fast limp towards me

"Damn, you look like you were hit by a car" I say with a chuckle. I hope it's not too soon for humor

He rolls his eyes and slumps on the couch, draping an arm around me as the rest of the band walks in

"Seriously? Gossip Girl again?" Eli grunts

"What? I have a crush on Blair Waldorf, who wouldn't?" I answer

They all sit around the ginormous couch, I'm thankful we get to do this. You know, be alive

"So, what are we supposed to do now?" I ask

Dad sighs, "We keep training at the gym, we have to make sure you can protect yourself if anything happens. We're navigating through unknown territory, right now we only know what Cadence wrote about but I think she barely scratched the surface of what these people want"

Luca adds "Okay so we know that Scythe is the top man, ordering Joshua and Gabriel around. We know those two want dad dead for whatever reason—"

"They probably blame me for their dad's death" dad cuts in

"—but we don't know what Scythe has to do with them. Why did he target Nova, why ask her for those pictures? Who the fuck is his brother?"

"What if Scythe isn't the one in charge? Maybe his brother is, it's still confusing though, why he'd want to hurt Nova if he didn't have anything to do with what happened with dad and Camry all those years ago" Eli says

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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