warriors and guardians.

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Evelyn is putting in her earrings with her phone down on the cup holder of her car. She was on facetime with Nyla. Evelyn smiles as Nyla is going on and on about her new position she was starting, "You know, I pranked my rookie last night into meeting me at the bar, got a real feel of him." Evelyn smiled knowing that's exactly something her best friend would do. She hangs up, gets out of the car, fixes her jacket and walks in. She runs into Lucy, Jackson and Nolan in the hallway. She had overheard them talking about some detective who was transferring back to patrol. Lucy turns around with a smile, "Good morning Officer Brooks!" Evelyn walks by them and wishes them a good morning as well. She walks into the main area of the station and sees an unfamiliar person chatting with a fellow officer. That's when she heard it. That voice. "Nyla?" She questions. Nyla turns around and smiles while running towards Evelyn, "Ev! Hey!" Evelyn wraps her arms around Nyla so tightly. She whispers to Nyla, "God i've missed you. I can't believe you're here!" Nyla gives Ev a kiss on the head, "I've missed you too pumpkin spice." That was a nickname she had made for her during their undercover years together. They hug and catch up until they get called into the briefing room by Grey. Nyla walks in, sarge introduces her and tells Nolan that this will be his new training officer. Grey looks over to the table with Evelyn, Angela and Tim, "If you need anything ask Brooks, Lopez or Bradford. They'll get you up to speed." He let's everyone go and they all head their separate ways. Evelyn walks out with a smile as she's watching Tim and Angela introduce themselves to Nyla. That's when she realized those 3 were some of her favourite people ever all in one conversation. Together.


Evelyn walks over to the group and smiles at Tim. She tilts her head which is their signal that they need to go find a closet to talk in. Tim looks at her and smiles, "Sorry guys, gotta get a case update. I'll see you both later." He waves off Angela and Nyla and joins Evelyn in the closet. Evelyn shuts the door behind Tim and looks at him sternly, "You're dating Rachel?" Tim nods, "Yeah? As if it's any of your business, Brooks." Evelyn sighs. Fuck. Why the hell am I in love with him like this? Tim stares at her, "We slept together once Evelyn. We we're drunk. It was a mistake. Stop acting like I'm yours." Tim leaves slamming the door. Evelyn slides down the wall, tears flooding down her face. All she could think about is him. Why did she fall so hard for him after one night she can barely remember? Evelyn texts Nolan.

"Hey Nolan? Did you and Nyla leave yet?"

"No, we're still packing up the shop. Why?"

"I need you. Can you come into supply closet 5?"

"On my way."


John opens the door to a distressed Evelyn. Evelyn looks up at him sniffling and wiping her tears. Nolan slides down the wall and sits next to her, "What's going on?" Evelyn sighs, "Tim's dating someone. I'm in love with him and now he hates me because I just asked him about his new girlfriend like it's any of my business." Nolan taps his shoulder and Evelyn leans her head on him. He wipes her tears, "Bradford gets mad about everything. You'll be okay. I know if you guys are meant to be, you'll work things out." Evelyn smiles, "Thank you Nolan." He looks at Brooks and smiles, "You know I risked my job for this, Nyla's probably gonna cut my head off." Evelyn laughs, "Oh yeah. Definitely. You should probably go." Nolan gives Evelyn one last hug and leaves. That's the day that bonded Evelyn and John forever.


Later that day, Evelyn and Nyla walk around the neighborhood to in front of Lila's school. Lila is Nyla's daughter, the daughter she lost custody of when she would disappear months at a time during undercover work. Donavan catches a glimpse of the two women and walks over, "What are you doing here? You can't see her without permission?" Evelyn rolls her eyes, "She's getting a lawyer, Donovan. Stop acting like you're perfect." Nyla smiles at Evelyn and turns back to Donovan, "I'm gonna try to get custody. 50/50.", She hands him an envelope, "Heres half of the child support I owe you. I swear Ill get the rest to you real soon." Donovan rolls his eyes and the two walk away. I hate that guy. Evelyn thinks. She smiles at Nyla, "You okay?" Nyla nods, "Yeah. I'm doing better. And I'm gonna get my daughter back."


The next day, Evelyn skips into the briefing room, all happy go luck. Nolan smiles. He likes this sight more than the one of her crying in the supply room. She walks over to the group of rookies, "Morning guys! Nice day isn't it?" Nolan just stares blindly, "Henry's engaged." Jackson shrugs, "He's 20. It was bound to happen." Evelyn tilts her head, "Weren't you married at his age?" Nolan shakes his head, "That's not the point!" Lucy giggles. Evelyn had found herself bonding with the rookies more than almost anyone else at MidWilshire. She thought it was odd, you'd think she'd bond with people with shared experiences. Guess not.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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