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Evelyn Brooks walked in to the Mid-Wilshire division. She stepped through the doors looking around. She asked the front desk where Sergeant Grey was. They led her to the briefing room. She hadn't stepped foot in one of these since her rookie year, so long ago. Sergeant Grey is giving his daily morning welcome until she overhears him introducing her, "Everyone please welcome our new training officer, Evelyn Brooks." Evelyn walks in nervously and looks around at all the officers, "Hi. I'm Evelyn, or Detective Brooks." Grey smiles looking at her. He had always respected her reputation. Grey assigns Evelyn to Jackson West. His training officer, Angela Lopez, was off work today. She smiled at Jackson and sent him to go set up shop. Ten minutes later, she joins Jackson in the car. Jackson looks at her, "Thank you. I know you didn't choose to be my TO but I was scared to get some crappy cop after Angela has been so good to me." Evelyn smiles, "No problem kid. You know, Angela talks about you a lot." Jackson freezes to look at Evelyn, "You like, know, Angela personally?" Evelyn gives a smirk and smiles at her rookie. Of course she knows Angela. That's her sister. The radio goes off. Male. Late 30s. Distress call half an hour ago. West and Brooks look at each other as she grabs the radio, "Show 7-Adam-19 responding." They rush to the scene to see a man standing outside crying. Evelyn runs out of the car to go talk to him, "Sir. I'm Evelyn. What's going on?" The man looks at her, "My-my wife! She took my daughter and left!" Evelyn looks back at Jackson as he's updating dispatch on the radio. She feels deep sympathy towards this man due to her son, "Okay sir. Breathe. Tell me what happened. What's your name?" The man gives her a look, "My name's George. My wife came in and took our daughter and left! I have a restraining order against her!" Evelyn looks back at Jackson and he instantly tells dispatch about a possible kidnapping in process. Evelyn looks back to George, so clearly in distress, "Hey. Look at me. We will get your daughter back. Tell me her name." George stares at her, "Josie. Her name's Josie. She's 3. She loves purple and sparkles." He finishes with tears in his eyes. "I have a son. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. We will do everything we can for Josie. Can you come with me? Help Officer West write an official report?" says Evelyn smiling at the man. George nods and gets into the back of the cop car with the help of Jackson. Evelyn gets back in the drivers seat and looks over at Jackson. Back at the station, Jackson took George to submit an official report to confirm his daughter missing. Evelyn walks around trying to meet the other officers, the other rookies too. Jackson runs to Evelyn, "I finished the report. Detectives will takeover. I don't think his ex wife is an extreme threat but detectives will get on it in like 10?" He confirms by checking his watch. Evelyn smiles, "Good job today Boot. I finally get why my sister likes you so much. Do you mind introducing me to the other rookies?" Jackson nods, "Yeah i'll introduce you- wait, sister?!" Brooks giggles, "Yeah. She's my little sister." Jackson acts like this is the end of the world, "Woah. That's insane." He pauses, "But, I will freak out about this later and introduce you to Chen and Nolan." The two walk over to the bullpen. Jackson smiles seeing his friends and looks back at Evelyn. She suddenly understood how much these 3 rookies meant to each other. Jackson yells out for Lucy and John to come closer. They walk over and get all nervous around Evelyn. She thinks that's hilarious, "At ease. I'm not gonna fire you! Just wanted to meet the other rookies. I'm Evelyn, by the way. Nice to meet you both." Lucy smiles while holding her files, "Lucy Chen. Really nice to meet you. I'd shake your hand but you know." Nolan shakes her hand, "John Nolan. Aka the oldest rookie ever." Evelyn shakes her head. She says goodbye to the three and walks to her car. She can't be late to go pick up her son and head to Angela's for dinner. As Evelyn leaves the building, Nolan turns to Jackson, "Is she a good TO? You like her?" Jackson smiles watching her temporary training officer leave, "She's amazing. She was able to calm down a level 10 emergency to a level 2." The three turn and get back to work. Evelyn is on the way to daycare. She keeps thinking about how she hopes she did good. She keeps hoping she made the right impression to Jackson, Lucy and Nolan today. Even worried if she made a good impression on Tim for the 3 seconds they interacted. She gets out of the car and heads inside to the daycare. She smiles at the front desk worker, "Hi. I'm Evelyn Brooks.", she says taking out her ID and showing it to the daycare provider,"I'm here to get my son, August Brooks?" Another worker comes to the front holding August in her arms. She holds her arms out as she passes August to Evelyn, "Hi buddy! Did you have a good day?" August hugged his mom as they walked out of the daycare centre. Evelyn gets August buckled into the car. 20 minutes later, she pulls into Angela's driveway. She gets her son from the back and they walk to the front door. August is walking and holding on to his mom's hand with his little hand. The door swings open and Angela instantly hugs Evelyn, "I've missed you so much." Evelyn smiles walking into the house with August. Angela smiles and picks up August, "Hi Auggie!! Auntie Angie missed you so much!" Evelyn sits down on the couch as August is playing with his Auntie Angela and his Uncle WesWes. She watches them in awe. Angela turns around to look at her sister, "How was your day? Jackson wasn't too hard on you was he?" Evelyn shakes her head, "He's great. I met Chen and Nolan, they're great too. I think i'm gonna like it here." This day will forward go down into history as the day Evelyn Brooks fell in love with the Mid-Wilshire division and that specific team of misfit officers.

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