"What's wrong?"

"My mum," he nodded ahead of us where a woman who shared a little looks with Colton was coming towards us smirking. She had pitch black hair neatly tied a bun. She possessed same oceanic blue eyes as Colton. Her purple colored gown looked very pretty.

"So whenever I am with a girl, she'll just wiggle her brows back and forth and embarrass me to death."

"Why would she do that?" I chuckled imagining the picture in my head that seemed quite funny.

"Because I have rarely dated anyone and she just pushes me into that. She pushes me into becoming her best friend." Colton lets out a chuckle.

"Well hello there," his mother grinned widely in my direction extending her hand, "I am Veronica, Colton's mother."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Veronica, I am Daisy." I could see Colton from the corner of my eye mouthing something to his mother who was completely ignoring him.

"You too," she wiggled her eye brows at Colton as he described and I bit on my inner cheek to prevent myself from laughing, "You must be something considering, my son is too shy to approach girls."

Colton's cheeks turned completely pink and I couldnt help but chuckle at his state.

"Mom," he hissed furrowing his eye brows.

"Alright, Alright," she raises her hands in surrender, "Lovely meeting you Daisy, I'll see you later." She hugged me and left in the crowd.

"She's sweet." I admitted. Wondering how fun would it be with a family like Colton's.

"She is," Colton said, "But at the same time is epic at making my cheeks flush."


Colton as he promised, picked me up at 6. He was wearing a casual blue t shirt and dark jeans. His hair were sleeked neatly backwards.

We both were in his silver Infiniti, battling against what music to play.

"Indie folk is the best, so soothing."Colton said, tapping his fingers on the steering along with humming. I hadn't realize how melodious his voice was until now.

"It's rather boring," I rolled my eyes. We both had different taste in music and cars so far. He liked Infiniti while I liked Mustang.

"Says who?"


"Really? What do you suggest?" He smirked.

"Jazz," I smiled remembering how my mother was so fond of Jazz music. She had a rockstar within her.

"Fine, whatever you say princess." He rolled his eyes as he changed the station. I did a victory dance mentally.

"So," I said, "Tell me about yourself." I asked. We had learnt quite little things about each other but still it felt like we don't yet know each other.

"Well, hello," He said grinning, "I am Colton, age 20, I like poetry, swimming. I am a huge ass animal lover. Colton's status is single and driving."

"Quite information you gave."

"That's Colton for you," he shrugged, "What about you?"

"Well, hello," He rolled his eyes and I continued, "I am Daisy, age 18, I like long drives, beaches and I am huge ass tv shows lover."

"And?" He pushed, a smirk forming his lips.

"And what?" I asked even though I knew what he was trying to ask.

"Since you mimicked me, might as well do it properly."

"Daisy's status is single and blabbering." I chuckled.

"Really? You aren't bad looking if you ask me," He teased, grinning.

"Thank you, Colton. You just popped the bubble of my insecurity." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

Colton was such a fun person to talk to. During three of our encounters I had fun talking to him. It's like when I talk to him, time flies by and I don't even know how.

After few more minutes Colton pulled over the Waterlooville Zoo. The air was fresh and a little cool. I was glad I tied my hair in a pony tail, considering my hair gets tangled by evening air.

There were a lot of families and kids all around. A crowd that felt warmer. Seeing so many happy people around made my heart feel great.

"Let the fun begin," He rubbed his palms together grinning.

"Aye Aye Captain!"

"I can't hear you,"


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