The Master

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Blurry disco lights welcomed Magnus' eyes as he awoke.

"You're awake!" A small boy said, standing next to Magnus. He looked like a normal boy, until Magnus used his golden warlock eyes and saw that he was a pale shade of blue, and he had very small horns.

"What?" He mumbled and started to uncurl his limbs from the sofa cushion he was clutching

"Do you want anything?"

"No! No, I need to go" Magnus shook his head, getting up, leaning against the wall as the floor swam giddily. He slowly let go of the wall and rubbed his red eyes.

"But man, it's a party..."  the boy tailed off

Magnus blinked the room into focus. He was in a small room, adjoined by a sea of disco lights, loud music, and the chatter of what he estimated to be around 50 people.

Flicking his hand with less than the usual finesse, Magnus expected to see a blue shimmering portal appear in front of him, but was surprised to see nothing.  He tried again but to no avail.

He took a deep breath and twirled his fingers with extra flourish, hoping for a change of clothes, but he remained in slightly worn sweatpants and a hoodie, which he had never seen before.

"Excuse me" Magnus asked the boy, "Where is the door?"

"Oh... you can't leave" he said, "The Master forbids it"

"The what?" Magnus was shocked, "Who...where is this Master?"

"You don't want to see him. No one does, or at least no one comes back" he shivered

"I really think I do actually" Magnus grimaced, "What's your name?"

"I'm Max" he said, and put out a chubby hand to shake Magnus'.

"So, where is this Master, Max?" He asked eventually, trying not to seem like he was using Max to get to the Master, although technically he was.

"People usually go...through there" Max whispered, pointing to a darkened doorway in the corner of the room. It had a wooden door with a lock on the outside and it didn't exactly appear welcoming.

Magnus examined it and saw that it was locked. He frowned and turned to the little boy.

"Do you know where the key is?" He asked gently

"I...I'm not allowed to tell" Max hugged himself and tried not to look at Magnus

"Look Max, I really need that key, or people could die" Magnus felt panic rising in his chest, but he pushed it down, along with what felt suspiciously like fear.

Max turned away for a moment and seemed to be debating whether or not to give up the key.

"It my hand" Max said slowly, opening his hand and showing Magnus a small silver key, polished from being held in the little boy's hand.

"Thank you Max" he said reaching for the key, only to watch it float to the ceiling

"I'm sorry Magnus" Max said sniffing, "I can't let you have it. The Master said so"

"Max you have to let me through" Magnus said quietly, kneeling down and blinking, he felt his golden eyes appear, "look, I am a warlock too"

"I...can't" Max said

"I need to get in there, so I can get back to a very special person. He is gentle, and kind, and funny and he has the softest hair. And when you talk to him he always seems like he is really listening and he always thinks the best of people, and...I love him" Magnus blinked back tears at the thought of Alec

"Can I meet him?" Max said looking at Magnus

"Of course you can sweetie" Magnus smiled, "But I can't go without talking to the Master, so I need that key"

"Okay" said Max after a moment and let the key fall

Magnus caught it and slid it into the lock where it fitted perfectly. He turned it slowly and heard a loud click. The door swung open and revealed a dark passage and after a moment, he entered, Max following close behind.

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