The Hunters Moon

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Alec wondered if he was drunk yet, as Magnus handed him a fourth whiskey.Or was it a fifth? He could not remember, but he was sure he had probably been completely intoxicated by a strange warlock. A handsome one too, he thought. No! He was straight and he was going to prove it. He was straight!

An hour later, Isabelle returned from the alcove and looked around for Alec and Jace. They were nowhere to be seen, maybe they had gone back to the Institute, bored of waiting for her to stop making out with Meliorn. Something, however drew her attention to the bar, where she saw a very unique sight. Alec was standing on one of the bar stools, a whiskey in his hand and wearing only his trousers. Half of the bar seemed to be watching as he started to sing out of tune and slurred with alcohol.
"Shit" said Izzy, and started pushing through the crowd of downworlders towards him.
"Alec! Alec! Come down from there" she screamed at him. He took another swig of a bottle he had somehow procured and shouted back
"Whoo arre ya?"
"I'm Izzy you moron! Your sister?" She watched, one eyebrow raised, as he threw the bottle across the pub where it shattered next to a werewolf. He looked around for a moment before tumbling off the stool amongst the shouts of laughter from the downworlders.
As Izzy pushed past the dispersing people, she saw a man approaching Alec from the opposite side. He had jet black hair which stuck up in violent points, golden cat's eyes and a long black coat. The infamous Magnus Bane.
"Alec! Are you okay?" She said, shaking him
"Magnooos!" He groaned, "he is so sexy"
"I am sure I am, but we need to get you back to the Institute" Magnus said, carefully avoiding eye contact with Isabelle.
"Have you been flirting with my brother?" She asked, raising her eyebrows and giving the warlock a piercing stare which made him feel as though he was being X-rayed.
"I don't think so, but then I can come across as highly alluring to some" replied Magnus, smiling and waggling his eyebrows.
"Shut up and help me get him back" Izzy said, her tone cold and commanding."I'll call Jace"
"Okay, but you are giving me his number," said Magnus, nodding towards the unconscious Alec, "or I won't help"
"Really?" Isabelle looked incredulous
" mmmmhh hummm" said the warlock, as Alec groaned loudly
"Oh fine. Give me your phone. I will tell him though, so he has every right to shoot you if he disagrees with my decision. Got it?"
"He already tried to shoot me earlier when I was attempting to hide in the bushes"
"What the hell were you doing hiding in the bushes? You know what? Don't answer that, help me get him home" TBC

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