Wherever you go...

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"Asmodeus?" Isn't he, like, the prince of hell?" Said Jace, appearing from behind the half open door
"Jesus Jace!" Alec squealed
"That is called alliteration, Alec" he replied, smirking at his parabatai smugly
"I told you to get out!"
"We'll, you're not exactly having sex with Magnus yet, so I'm going to deem it safe"
"Haha" Alec retorted sarcastically, "Just as well I've got higher standards for you and Clary"
"Okay; I'm going" Jace said, backing out quickly
"Why doesn't he understand privacy?" Alec moaned, flopping down on the bed.
"Some people just don't, Alexander" Magnus sighed, "but I need to go now"
"Yes, Magnus" Tessa said, a grimace creeping over her pale lips as she rose from her position in the corner of the room, "I told Cat I would come to get you but she will worry if we do not return soon"
"Excuse me a moment; Cat knew about Asmodeus?" Magnus said, looking very indignantly at Tessa, hurt starting to show in his golden eyes, "Are you saying that she...knew...all this time, and didn't say anything? Not when we were talking today?"
"Um no, but Magnus, she probably didn't want to say anything without my permission" Tessa said, looking very uncomfortable
"Shall I pack an overnight bag Mags?" Alec said, awkwardly stepping in
"Oh thank you pup!" Magnus said, a mischievous twinkle showing in his eye
"For the last time Magnus; do not call me that" Alec scowled and left the room, headed for the apartment.
"You know you have to tell him at some point, don't you?" Tessa said softly as she watched Magnus  staring at the ceiling slightly vacantly
"What?" He asked vaguely
"You know what. He will want to know and you know you want to tell him" she replied, smiling gently. Magnus sighed
"Okay, but what do I say? 'Hey Alec, by the way, evil demon Asmodeus is actually also my father?' No"
"Yes mags. He has touched your heart in a way no else has and you know that he will only love you more"

"Okay but...what if-what if he hates me for it?  I-I couldn't deal with it Tessa. He is so, so beautiful but it..." Magnus took a deep breath, as if dreading the words he was about to utter "It would break me"

"But wouldn't it break him just as much to know that you didn't trust him?" Tessa probed gently, aware of how closed Magnus could be when he was hurt.

"You don't know how he would feel. You have no business asking how he would feel. Get out now Tessa, you have done enough damage already!" Anger flared in his eyes as he tried, and failed, to close up the void opening in his heart. Tessa should have never talked about his boyfriend's feelings, not least Alec's. He was special.

"Magnus...I didn't mean to-" The woman started, but Magnus interrupted her

"Get out Tessa! Now." Blue light shot from his hands and propelled Tessa from the room, leaving him alone in Alec's bedroom. He stood for a moment, letting the pain build up in his chest. He knew he had to tell Alec, but it could wait. He needed to get out of this mess. He needed a drink...Or something stronger.

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