The Midnight Scorpion

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Half an hour later, Alec and Magnus were sitting chair on the warlock's red velvet couch watching The Notebook. Alec hadn't really watched very many movies, as Shadowhunters were not really given to simple mundane activities such as television or video games. This however was really fine by Alec, who was enjoying Magnus's company.As they got to the part where Noah and Allie kissed in the abandoned house surrounded by candles and vines, Magnus shifted to look across at the Shadowhunter, a look of sad longing in his eyes; Alec, however, appeared not to have noticed.

When they finished the movie and wiped away their tears, Magnus realised he hadn't offered Alec any food and it was already about ten thirty.
"Are you hungry?" He enquired, disentangling himself from a blanket. "We could always get some food"
"Oh, yeah!" Alec replied, evidently hoping he would bring this up soon, "Um... we could go to the fish and chip place down the street?"
"I have a better idea!" Said Magnus, attempting to sound seductive and failing hopelessly "Why don't we go to the actual sea?" Alec nodded, evidently too hungry to care where they went as long as there was food.
"Need anything?" asked the warlock, starting to making a portal in the air, small sparks of his blue magic flying from the tips of his fingers
"No, I'm okay" Alec looked very relieved they were going to get some food. Magnus took his hand and a shiver went through his body, as the other man pulled him through the sparking, golden door.
Alec felt instantly as though he wanted to throw up, and as they stepped out, he stumbled a few steps and did just that Magnus politely looked away.When he stood up, he felt drained, but much better and had time to take in his surroundings. He appeared to be on a boat, with the waves gently lapping at the sides. It was a small rowing boat with beautiful red sails  and as Alec leaned dangerously close to the side, he saw a name written in black ornate lettering. The Midnight Scorpion. Suddenly Alec felt the boat rock beneath his feet and sat down in one of the carefully carved seats.
"I still wonder where we are going to eat" Alec said, remembering that they still hadn't eaten and the last time he had eaten was at least 10 hours ago.
"Ah, yes. That completely slipped my mind" said the warlock, and waved his arms. As he did; a huge hamper of appeared on the bottom of the boat." Happy now?"
"Wow" Alec was stunned as Magnus opened the hamper to reveal a selection of sea food and plenty of wine. "This is amazing"
"Hmmm, I thought you might like it!"

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