Damn This Love Thing...

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I HAD to write this because he couldn't just leave without us being part of his "adios.".....
It's sad, its fluffy... It Stellaride.. And mostly It's about......... Damn This Love Thing.....

It's for all the Stellariders feeling heartache just now....

We've got this.......💗


Dawn was peeping over the horizon behind the window blinds, pulling itself over the muted darkness second by slow second. Inside the simply furnished bedroom, she burrowed closer into his back, his body heat radiating out like a comfort blanket and slid a knee between his legs so it was snuggled between his thighs. A deep breath told her of his slumber state, one hand automatically reaching behind him to take her hand and pull it over him so it was wrapped around his waist. The clock dial blinked 4.48 am, taunting in its unearthly early greeting.

Her head felt heavy. Alabama was a long way from Chicago. 760 miles to be exact. 1 hour 45 minutes by plane. And her heart felt like it was splitting into 760 pieces. Stella pressed her lips against his shoulder, stamping it with her kiss as if she could imprint it on his skin like a brand or a tattoo.

Kelly stirred, mumbling drowsily.

"Can't sleep?" He shifted his weight, adjusting her leg so it was better trapped between his, the hairs on his legs lightly chaffing the soft skin of her inner thighs.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She rubbed her nose against his shoulder breathing him in. She loved the smell of his soap thinking that she should start showering with it so that she could smell him all the time.......... until he came home.

"You o.k?"

"Yeah..... No...." She had started to lie, but her voice caught.

Kelly twisted around slowly, tucking her head into his chest and burying one hand in her hair.

He rested his chin on top of her head. "I'm thinking this Alabama thing might be a bad idea." He was drowsy and half asleep but inside his arms was her safe space.

Stella kissed his chest. "Don't. I know it's the right thing to do." But her heart didn't agree because she didn't want him to go.
Ever since they had decided that he should go ahead with the Fire investigators program that Van Meter had put him forward for, a cloud of grey had moved in over her. A perpetual loneliness of every day without seeing him.
They weren't even really sure how long he would be gone as it involved studying 'live' cases but the course had international prestige and they both agreed it would be madness to turn it down. Who knew when it could help Kelly in his career further down the road, so they had to think of all the positives that it could bring to their future.

But now with the onset of dawn came the cold reminder that in a few hours, he would be flying away from her. It wasn't something Kelly and Stella were good at. Being apart. They already knew that from Boston.

His fingers traced her spine with a touch as light as a feather stroking her skin. She sighed against his chest, her breath ruffling the dusting of hairs loathe to move away from their naked closeness.

"I love you." It was a statement of fact spoken against her head, not said for effect or her reassurance. It was his truth and he wore it the same way as he wore his skin.

Stella raised her head to look at him. He was wide awake now, the lights from behind the windows, stole through the window blinds, casting their magical light over the bed, shadowing out other bits of the room. For a long moment, they just stared at each other, both feeling the unsettling disquiet of impending separation.

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