I've Been thinking About You

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When I started writing No Ordinary Love, it was just supposed to be an expansion of S11 episodes... us filling in scenes to go the way we would like..

But who knew that halfway through the season we'd be where we were...

A little more 💔 this week.....

This chapter is a delve into not just how Stella is feeling... but maybe many of us, too.


We must have been stone crazy
When we thought we were just friends
'Cause I miss you, baby
And I've got those feelings again

I guess I'm all confused about you
I feel so in love
Oh, baby, what can I do?

I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you

Suddenly we're strangers
I watch you walkin' away
She was my one temptation
Oh, I did not want her to stay

Deep down, I'm still confused about you
Oh, yes I have baby
I feel so in love
Oh, baby, what can I do?

I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you

Got you on my mind

I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you

Got you on my mind

What good is being here without you?
I wanna know
I feel so in love
Oh, baby, what can I do?

I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you

I've been thinking about you
Oh baby, can't get you out of my mind
I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you
You read me baby, I think about you all the time
I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you
Got you on my mind
I've been thinking about you

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Jimmy Chambers / Jimmy Helms / George Edward Chandler / William Russell Henshall

I've Been Thinking About You lyrics © Tenyor Music, Edition Wilhelm Hansen, Round Hill Compositions, Rise And Rise Publishing, Tymp


The early morning Chicago sky was turning into a warm blue, a sign that Spring had finally creaked back to life, with early morning joggers and cyclists out embracing the still crisp air.
Ordinarily, the sky and the promising peeking out of the sun at 7am, would have injected an extra shot of enthusiasm to Stella's first full rest day following shift, encouraging her to make the most of the warmer weather after the bone chilling Chicago winter.
But today, it was like most rest days now, hard for her to even summon up the enthusiasm to want to get dressed. Curled up in the 1970s vintage lounge chair in front of the big Loft windows, her hands wrapped tighter around her coffee cup. Unconsciously, it was supportive, the warmth from the cup, the familiar smell of coffee beans and hazlenut, and something routine to counteract the heavy rock that had grown inside her heart, or was it her stomach?
Her eyes were troubled, or they may have been vacant. It was difficult for her to tell because she had stopped making eye contact with herself in the mirror weeks ago. Purely as the world very loudly warns you..... You can lie to the world, but you can't lie to yourself. And Stella was no good at lying to herself.

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