You Struck Gold..

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Detective Pryma gatecrashed Kelly and Stella's dinner night in and left them with a sour note.....

Stella runs an idea past Kelly....

This chapter is about married Stellaride growth, concessions and extending the love inside their home to 51. This is about growing up...


Kelly looked as if he was going to explode. Literally. For one tense heartstopping moment Stella feared that he was going to launch himself at Pryma and break his nose. Subconciously she had automatically taken a step towards them ready to break them apart. Charges for assaulting a police officer were not what they needed! But thankfully Pryma had the foresight not to inflame an already volatile situation and hadn't said anymore, leaving with a glare in Kelly's direction before he was physically thrown out.

The slam of the door reverberated around the apartment, Kelly standing motionless, his fists clenched by his side.


Looking over into her troubled eyes immense guilt flooded him about Pryma's parting shot.

"We don't do this, a lot of people are gonna get hurt.... and that's on you, too."
The accusation had been directed at Stella which had sent Kelly almost apoplectic.

Stella saw the anger he was holding in but had learnt when to handle her husband with extra care. It was always when someone he loved had been threatened. Her.

Kelly leant back against the closed door and closed his eyes. Why did he keep doing this to her? Putting her in the firing line?

A warm, soft hand cupping his cheek, made him open his eyes. She was standing in front of him, her face concerned, beautiful brown eyes shining with all the love that he could ever need.

Reaching out, he pulled her into him, holding her tightly. It was like those moments after she had been almost shot on their honeymoon. He had held her never wanting to let her go, shaking and nauseous at what had nearly happened to her.

"You, o.k?" Stella's voice broke into his tortured thoughts.

There was a long sigh from him,
her tenderness breaking down his walls and the tension slowly released from his tightly coiled body.
They were safe here. She was safe. At least for now.

Dinner was aborted, neither feeling particularly hungry any longer. Stella cleared away the now cold pasta and put away the dishes. Grabbing her glass of red wine she pulled a blanket and sat dwn on the couch waiting for Kelly to join her. She could sense he was distracted, his head churning out thoughts at a 100 miles an hour.

"Do you wanna discuss what Pryma said?" She held out her hand as he walked over draining a beer.

"No....Yes... I"m pissed off! Kavanagh shouldn't get away with it... Its driving me insane." He took her hand, sitting down and put his head back on the couch and Stella adjusted the blanket so they were both under it. " But I'm not gonna risk you getting hurt... or anyone else. So what choice do we have?" He sounded defeated.

"I dont want you or anyonelse to get hurt either." Stella put her hand around the back of his neck, trying to placate him.

"Feels like he wins and that doesn't sit straight with me."

"I know....... but does he win if we keep people safe?"

He turned his head towards her with a tender smile. "You're getting very wise Lieutenant Kidd."

"I have a great mentor." Leaning in she kissed him, running the pad of her thumb under his eyes, where all the shadows of the stress he was carrying were collecting. Stella was pissed with Pryma too not only for what he said but for ruining their evening.
In-between work, Kelly's academy classes and Molly's there was never enough time for just hanging out. Thank goodness they had had their belated honeymoon!

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