☆ thirty ☆

Começar do início

"gone to my aunts, she needed me - love ally".

i stuck it to the bedroom door and with that i left. i walked out the front door making sure to lock it behind me. i got into my old ute and stuck the keys in.

as i drove back to my old home i was silent, i felt a sudden wave of sadness hit me as i realised i had let it get to this point. i had let my aunt slip back into her ways. how could i do such a thing to the amazing woman that raised me. i still can somewhat recall the day i was dropped off at her house. i was around 8.

"fucking hell! that's fucking it, i can't stand being with you and i can't stand being a fucking mother" my mother seethingly screamed at my dad who was struggling to stay standing up as his eyes continued rolling to the back of his head from some drug as we stood in our quant family kitchen.

my mums eyes changed from burning holes into my dad to burning holes into me. with one quick move she reached and grabbed my arm. i was shaking in fear as she yanked me out and away from my childhood home.

as she pulled me out the front door i spared a glance and looked backwards towards the house just praying to see my dad flying towards me to grab me away from the evil woman that was my mother but no. of course he wasn't gonna do that, that day made it clear to me,

i just wasn't worth it.

so i looked back towards my mother who was lifting me up and painfully chucking me into her car. she slammed the door shut on me and ran to the other side and got in herself. making sure to slam her own door.

i didn't dare to say a single word as she sped along the streets and onto the highway. i had no clue where she was planning to take me but after a long 3 hours we arrived at a small house on a nice street.

she pulled into a unfamiliar driveway and parked the car. she got out and angrily motioned for me to do the same. i quickly got out of the car and took place beside her keeping my eyes glued to the ground.

she roughly knocked on the door and a few seconds later a beautiful woman opened the door, her natural smile instantly fading dropping into a frown at the sight of my mum.

"ally go inside while i talk to your aunt" my mother spat looking down at me.

my aunt? i thought. i have an aunt?

i swiftly moved past the lady and into her house.

she turned to look at me and said "just sit on the couch baby, ill be there in a minute" before turning back and shutting the door behind her. i nodded and took a seat on the comfortable couch.

i couldn't make out all of it but i heard some parts, it's hard not to when my mother was yelling but after about 30 minutes i heard a car drive away and the door open again.

i looked up through teary eyes to see my aunt walk back inside with a sigh.

"hi honey" she said quietly before sitting next to me on the couch.

"im your aunt amelia, your gonna be staying with me for a bit while your mum figures stuff out" she tried to speak in a understanding tone as she wiped a tear from my face.

but i knew my mum wasn't coming back. my gut told me so, and she never did.

more tears escaped my eyes as she pulled me into her side and hugged me close. "you're safe here" she said against the top of my head.

her voice echoed through my head as i was brought back to present day. i hadn't even noticed i was actually crying again as i pulled into the all too familiar driveway.

 ☆ trapped under ice ☆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora