Book 4: The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Tahno: I've been to the best healers in the city. Whatever Amon did to me, it's permanent. You gotta get him for me.

Korra nods her head. Lin, Roku, Tenzin and Hiroshi Sato walk up to the bench.

Lin: Mr. Sato, if you remember anything else about what you saw during Amon's attack, be sure to let us know.

Hiroshi: I'm happy to help any way I can. I want these Equalists to pay for what they've done. Especially after your nephew Councilman Roku saved me and my daughter.

He nods his head toward Tahno, Ryu and Korra and walks away.

Roku: We're ready for you now.

He, Tenzin and Lin walk away. He gets up and turns back to wave at Korra.

Tahno: See you around ... "Ah"vatar.

He then follows Roku, Tenzin and Lin with a sad look.

A big mansion is shown, camera zooms in. Pabu jumps off a large statue into a pool squealing. Cut to a wide shot of the pool: Bolin stands at the top of the statue, Asami sits on the side of the pool, and Mako stands in the pool right next to her.

Bolin: Earthbending bomb!

Bolin dives into the pool doing a belly flop, splashing Mako and Asami in the process. The butler escorts Korra and Ryu to the pool as Bolin resurfaces.

Butler: Avatar Korra and Ryu... has arrived.

Ryu: Thanks...jeeves?

Mako: Hey, guys!

Asami: Glad you two made it!

Bolin resurfaces from the water with his hands out.

Bolin: Welcome to paradise!

He puts his hands behind his head and floats on his back. Pabu climbs onto his belly.

The two visitors sit down on a bench by the pool.

Ryu: Looks like you guys settled right in.

Mako: Pretty much, except someone forgot to ask her father if we could stay here.

Asami: Yeah, but I smoothed it over with him. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Bolin then gets out of the pool next to Korra with Pabu on his shoulder.

Bolin: This is the greatest place in the world! Watch this, watch this. Fetch me my towel, good sir.

Butler: Yes, Master... Bolin.

He grabs a folded up towel and walks toward Bolin. Pabu climbs onto Bolin's head.

Bolin: Master Bolin! Ha, I love this guy. Now pat me dry.

Butler: As you wish.

He rolls up the towel and pats down Bolin as he moves to allow him to do that. Close-up of Bolin's head with a wet Pabu on top of it.

Bolin: Don't forget Master Pabu.

Butler: Wouldn't dream of it, sir.

He puts the towel over Pabu, who is still sitting on Bolin's head, and rubs him dry. A moment later, Pabu's fur becomes bushy as he squeaks. As the butler turns around, Bolin jumps into the water again right away and the butler looks annoyed.

Korra: So, what do you have planned for us today? Let me guess, shopping, makeovers...

Bolin jumps onto Mako, pushing him into the water; raising his hand while speaking in an excited tone.

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