Chapter 11 - Confessions (Nino/Carapace)

Start from the beginning

"Well Luka, I'm sorry to say this but please don't tell him, he's kinda stupid, yeah, Chat Noir is handsome, charming, downright gorgeous, but he's not funny. And he can be dumb." Mari, I think that just made things worse.

"Of course he'd fall for someone like him. What do I have? I'm not handsome and charming like that Cheshire cat." Marinette's mouth dropped open.

"You're right." What? "You're beautiful, funny, and the kindest person I've ever met. I'm sure anyone would be lucky to have you. At least just give him a chance, it wouldn't hurt, and if it doesn't work out we'll stop at nothing to find the perfect boyfriend for you." Marinette smiles.

Alya nodded and I could see Chloe give a thumbs up from across the room. Adrien let's out a big sigh.

"Fine." Marinette cheers quietly. "Yay. For once I'm actually hoping Hawk Moth Akumatizes someone. Because then after the Heroes defeat them you can take that chance to talk to Viperion." Adrien puts his head back down on his desk.

We went back to paying attention, the teacher didn't even realize we weren't listening to him. Oh well. He'll never know.


"Do you think she'll talk to me?" Wayzz sat meditating. "If you talk to her she might just listen and let you explain." I sighed.

I'm in for a lot of yelling from her, unless she lets me explain which I hope she does. "I just have to wait for the right time." Wayzz nodded.

I have errands to run, so if I see Alya I can just transform and just say I was patrolling and spotted her. "Let's go Wayzz." My Kwami opened his eyes and flew into my bag.

I left my home, my parents are working and my little brother Chris is at a playdate, though he would say they're for babies but not this time. He actually insisted he was taken. I don't think I'll ever know why.


Once I was done I began to head back home, there was a lamp post beside me. I know it's not important, but maybe when it turned into a rubber duck in a puff of purple smoke, you'd think it was weird. But not here, Hawk Moth has taken an innocent victim once again.

And if that lamp post turned into a rubber duck, it's possible it's just a little kid that Hawk Moth took advantage of.

It is a kid. How do I know? He's flying right above me. Must be mad that he missed me. Should I run? Yes, I should definitely run.

So I ran. He keeps missing. This kid has terrible aim. I was rounding a corner when I was pulled into the alley. "You okay?" Is that.. I opened my eyes. Rena? She still had a grip on my arm.

"I'm fine." I told her. "Good." She said. Has Rena always been this beautiful? I never played attention to her beauty because I liked Alya so much.

"Stay here, I'll be back after the Villain is defeated." She let go of my arm and jumped away. She'll be back, I have to memorize this alley so I know where it is because I need to help my team and I don't want her to come back to an empty ally, I need to be here.



"Hawk Moth has no heart. He Akumatizes anyone with any kind of negative emotions, he doesn't care if some of them are just kids. He'll do anything to get our Miraculous, this kid needs to be free." Ladybug said.

The rest of us nodded. We had to make a plan. Our backs were turned, we would have never seen him coming. I saw Queen Bee look up, her face in horror, she moved quickly and shoved me out of the way.

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