Chapter 3

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Riding down the elevator were Y/N, B/N, and the NIKKEs, Marian, Rapi, and Anis. They had recently survived the battle against the Blacksmith Rapture. The group is heading for the sanctuary of the Ark.

Anis: So, Y/N. During our battle against Blacksmith, I saw your brother reaching out with his hand and a saw appear out of nowhere and made of green light. Like if he has powers or something.

Rapi: How did your brother be able to do that?

Marian: He had saved my life. I just want to know.

Y/N looks at the Nikkes before looking at his young brother. He knows that he could not hide secrets from others so he has to explain everything to them.

Y/N: Do you want to know how it happened? He got those Energy Construct powers after surviving an accident that nearly cost him his life.

Anis: You mean he was in an accident?

Y/N: Yes, Anis, and I was there with him when it happened.

Rapi: How did it happened?

Just as Y/N was about to answer, the elevator reaches to the bottom and the doors open. There a bunch of NIKKES along with their Commanders, both male and female were interacting with each other. They then turn to see Y/N and his brother along with Rapi, Marian, and Anis. They sees the two male before whispering to each other. The group walk pass them before reaching to inner sanctum.

Rapi: I'll will go to Major Anderson for our report.

Anis: In the meantime, you should you know.... shower because you're dirty.

Y/N: Thanks for reminding me.

Marian: I'll watch your brother until you come back.

Y/N: Please do.

He grabs his bag before making his way to wash up. B/N, meanwhile having a conversation with Marian.

Marian: I just wanted to say thank you for saving me. I was... scared.

B/N: I know and I was too but I know have to so something.

???: Marian!

She and B/N turn to four NIKKES who approached them.

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