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chapter five —

"Where do you think you're going?" Gunnar asked his sister as she shut her room door.

"Ra Ra, hey... what are you doing out here?" The brunette laughed awkwardly.

"Don't deflect." He crossed his arms and leaned on the wall next to his door.

"I, um, I'm going out with a friend." She bit the inside of her cheek.

"Friend? I didn't know you made friends here." A confused and surprised expression crossed his face.

"Yeah." Freyja nodded. "Welp, I'm going. See you."

"Have I met this friend?" He stopped Freyja before she could take any steps towards the elevator.

"Mhm." She gave a tight-lipped smile. "But I've really got to go. I'll see you when I get back, stop being such a dad."

She waved to Gunnar and walked into the elevator, waiting patiently until the metal doors opened again. Freyja stepped out and made her way to the front foyer doors, and she immediately noticed Dean waiting for her.

A smile crossed her face as she strolled over in his direction. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Hey- oh my..." Dean surveyed Freyja with wide eyes. "You look really nice."

"Oh, thank you." She smiled gratefully. "And so do you."

"Thanks. I figured since you always look pretty, I should try to look at least presentable." An almost unnoticeable blush covered his cheeks.

"I think you look nice all the time." She told him, hooking her left arm with his right. "Let's get some... ice cream!"

"Alright, let's go." Dean chuckled at her enthusiasm.


"So, how long have you been playing hockey?" Freyja asked as she licked her strawberry ice cream.

"Since I was young, maybe six or seven. But I wasn't always an enforcer." He answered.

"Really? What'd you used to be?" She looked up at him while the two of them walked down the sidewalk.

"I was, oh my God this is so embarrassing..." Dean chuckled. "I used to be a center."

"I can't imagine that." She laughed at the thought. "But I understand why."


Freyja stared forward with a slight blush on her cheeks. "You're a really good player, and I don't think hockey players always start as enforcers."

"You think I'm a good player?" Dean asked.

"Well... yeah. Of course I do." She shrugged.

The two fell into a comfortable silence. The streets were calm, and the sky was beginning to turn into oranges and pinks, which indicated the sun was setting quickly. Freyja let out a small, content sigh and looked back up at Dean's face.

"I'm going to have to leave soon, you know." The brunette told him. "My brother will have me hanged if I'm not back soon."

"What?" Dean furrowed his brows.

"Oh, sorry. I said my brother might hang me if I don't get to the hotel soon." She translated.

"Do you really have to?" He asked.

"Yeah..." She replied.

"Okay, then I'll walk you back." Dean told.

Freyja smiled and re-hooped her arm with his. "Onward, then."


As the two became closer to the front foyer of the hotel, Freyja's heart picked up slightly. She didn't want to leave Dean's side yet. They walked up to the front and stopped, and both Freyja and Dean turned to look at each other.

"Thanks for walking me." Freyja said.

"Yeah, you're welcome. I'll always walk you home." Dean responded.

She rocked on her heels. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again. Tomorrow."

He perked up more. "Yes! Yeah, I do."

"Great. I'll text you about the plans." Freyja responded.

"Alright." Dean nodded.

"Well, uh... goodnight, Dean." She smiled.

"Night." He replied.

Dean watched as Freyja stepped into the foyer. After making it to the elevator, she looked back at the boy, and they made eye contact. The door dinged, and the brunette stepped into it. As it was closing, Freyja smiled at the tough enforcer, and he smiled back. In that moment, the both of them knew something they believed the other hadn't discovered; they might be falling in love.



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Himbo • Dean PortmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang