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chapter three -

Frejya made her way back into the arena with a couple minutes till the buzzer. It wasn't looking good for Team U.S.A. At the rate they were going, there was no way they could win this game. She sat back in her seat and watched the rest of the train wreck unfold. The Vikings won 12-1.

She sighed dejectedly, but by the second half she knew what the inevitable would be. There was no possible way for Team U.S.A. to recover 11 more points in such a short time. The brunette waited outside of the dressing room for her brother to come out because, even though she wasn't very happy with the game, she was proud of how well Gunnar had done.

"The big man himself!" She slapped him on the back in congratulations. "You did really good today, Ra Ra. I'm impressed."

"Why? Do I usually suck?" He joked.

"Eh. More or less." She shrugged with a playful smirk on her face.

Gunnar hit her on the head lightly with his stick handle. "I should beat you up. If you weren't my sister, you know I wouldn't think twice about it."

"No, you wouldn't have to. I would pumble you to the ground in one hit. There wouldn't be enough time to think at all." Freyja flexed her surprisingly toned and muscular biceps.

"You've got a big head." He put a hand over her face and pushed her away, making her stumble a bit.

"That just means I'm extra smart." She pointed to her head with a cheeky smile. "Yours is so squished there isn't room to fit a brain in there, I'm shocked you have enough motor functions to even move."


Quite a few hours went by when Freyja received a text from an unknown number. However, she immediately knew that it had to be from Dean; she didn't go around giving her number out to just anybody.



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Around twenty
minutes passed when Freyja got another text telling her Dean was outside waiting for her. Luckily, she had her own room so nobody could question the reason she was sneaking out so late.

She met Dean at the front, and they exchanged greetings before making their way down the street, side-by-side. No part of their conversation was awkward; in fact, it was the complete opposite. The two had an instant connection, and it just so happened that they had very similar tastes.

"How do you feel about metal music?" Dean questioned.

"Are you kidding? It might not look like it, but metal is one of my favorite genres." Freyja responded.

"No way, really?" A large smile weaved its way onto his face.

"Yes, really." Freyja nudged his arm with her left one while smiling. "I have no business lying."

"I guess you're right." He chuckled.

"Oh, look. We're here." She pointed out the park that they were walking over to. "Let's head in."

"Alright. I know a pretty good spot to sit." Dean told her. "Follow me."


Tears welled up in the brunettes eyes from laughing so hard. Her stomach hurt and she clutched it to ease the pain, but it didn't help that much.

"C'mon. It isn't even that funny." Dean whined slightly.

"Ye- yes, it totally is." Freyja said, still laughing hysterically.

"It was one of my first times on the ice. I was scared! Cut me some slack." He crossed his arms but smiled nonetheless.

"Mr. Bad Boy Enforcer peed his pants on the ice. How could I not laugh at that?" She leaned her forehead on his shoulder and held onto his arm to stop herself from falling off the bench.

"I'm telling you that in confidence, so don't go spreading it around." He pointed a finger at her.

Freyja looked at it and then pushed it away with a goofy eye roll. "Wouldn't dream of it, tough guy."

"It's your turn now. Tell me something embarrassing." Dean urged.

"Hm." She hummed, thinking for a few seconds before responding. "In fourth grade, I ate so much play dough that my parents had to take me to the hospital. After that all of my classmates called me Mrs. Dough and akways brought it up, and I couldn't live it down."

"For real?" Dean stifled a laugh.

"Yep." She popped the 'p'.

"That-" He yawned. "Is pretty funny. I would have made fun of you if I was there."

"Are you tired?" The brunette asked.

"What? Me?" Dean made a 'pff' sound. "No way."

Freyja looked down at her phones clock. "It's been over an hour and a half since we've been here. We should head back."

"N-no! I'm good. I'm not tired at all." He tried to act casual, but Freyja could easily tell that he didn't want to stop talking to her.

"We can hang out again after your Germany game." She reassured. "And we'll text. No need to be a big baby about it."

"Why can't we hang out tomorrow?" He asked. "After my practice."

"I promised my brother I would watch his game and after we were going to get dinner and watch a movie in my room." Freyja replied, starting to get up.

"Oh... alright, then the next day is fine." Dean nodded with a smile.

"Good because I wasn't changing plans for you." She laughed. "When I make plans I don't break plans unless absolutely necessary. And you can hold me to it."

"I'll keep that in mind." The two begin to walk out of the calm park.

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