Part 6

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Lucy groans as she is reassembled, shaking her head wearily as her vision clears. Cayde chuckles, "You'll get used to that eventually. Shaxx! Buddy! How're things going in your neck of the woods?"

A massive man clad in bulky white armor accented with splashes of orange and what appears to be thick fur draped across his shoulders turns, places his fists on his hips in a confident stance, "Cayde! Come to join my hunting grounds once more? It's been a while since I have seen the havoc a member of the Vanguard can wreak, and I could use the entertainment! Yesterday's matches with the recruits were lackluster at best."

Cayde waves his hands rapidly to stave off the man's intense excitement, "No, no, no... Zavala gets angry when I play in the Crucible while I have paperwork due. However, he never said I couldn't watch, and I'm very interested in this match. Lord Shaxx, Lucy. Lucy, Lord Shaxx. She's our newest Guardian, and I believe she'll add that extra kick into the mix you're looking for."

The one-horned helmet turns her way, and though it is featureless, she can feel his gaze boring into her very being, "She doesn't look like much, but that's hardly a solid indicator. Show me what you've got, Guardian. I want you to go out and annihilate your competitors, give no quarter!"

Lucy now understands what Ikora meant about Shaxx and follows her advice, "They won't know what hit them." Shaxx laughs loudly, "That's the spirit, Guardian! You'll be on Bravo team for this match, so your staging area is on the arena's south end. Transmat in to meet your teammates. Good luck, Guardian!"

Lucy thanks him as she is pulled apart again, only to be reconstructed elsewhere. Despite Cayde's reassurances, she doubts she will ever get used to that. A man with blue-gray skin, burning orange eyes, and strangely styled bright green hair approaches her. Judging by the blue and red overcoat and the mildly aloof countenance he bears, she pegs him for a Warlock, "You must be Lucy. You cut it a little close on your timing. We've already discussed our strategy. We will be employing tactics similar to the Battle of Six Fronts."

Before Lucy can reply, Belladonna cuts in, "I'm afraid she is unfamiliar with the subject. We haven't had time to thoroughly review the Last City's history." The corners of his mouth droop into an annoyed scowl, "Oh. We have an uninitiated amongst us... Very well. Just stick close to Horace, the Titan in gold Exile armor, and try not to get yourself killed." Lucy clenches her fist around the knife still in hand and considers slapping him with the sturdy leather sheath.

Instead, she meanders away to introduce herself to the Titan, "Horace, right? I'm Lucy." The Titan nods politely, "Well met, Guardian. Please forgive Rizen. He often forgets that he, too, was once a mewling babe lost in the Darkness."

He gestures to the digital map projected on the table. It depicts a long section of the City's wall with two large buildings at either end flanked by wide thoroughfares that converge on a central plaza. The middle ground is split between an open outer space with an angular edifice and a small inner area enclosing a planter.

"When the round begins, we will claim the inner court. You and I will watch this center corridor while the others pair off and guard our flanks. When we get into position, I want you to post here on the left and focus on anyone approaching from the right. Crossing our firing lines will give us a better angle on those outside corners. Have you found the shape of your Light yet?"

Lucy sheepishly shakes her head, and he nods slowly, "I see. You chose trial by combat? Interesting for a Hunter. I'm what they call a Sentinel. If you need a shield, I have you covered. You just focus on putting down the enemy as they come, okay?" "Okay."

The speaker in her left ear explodes with Shaxx's voice, "Guardians! The round begins in two minutes. Proceed to your rally points and prepare for glorious battle!" Her ears ring as everyone exits the room into a small quad, Belladonna buzzing around her head, "So what load out would you like to start out with?"

Unbound Fates Volume 1: AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now