Part 5

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The trio returns to Banshee-Forty-Four, who bows his head slightly as they approach, "Ikora, I wasn't expecting you today. The pulse rifle you commissioned isn't quite ready yet." She offers a placating gesture in reply, "That's quite alright. We're actually here for Lucy. It would seem she is in need of some armaments."

He turns to a robot behind him working on a short-barreled rifle, "Absolutely. Holden, can you handle the storefront for a bit? This young lady needs some special attention." Its blue 'eye' flashes in time with its synthesized, masculine voice, "Of course, sir." The Exo then spreads his arms wide, motioning to the many firearms strewn about, "Now... what calls to you?"

Lucy browses his wares, taking particular interest in a rack sporting a variety of long rifles. Belladonna seems to be on the same wavelength, "You have a steady enough hand for sniping. Perhaps you should focus on precision weaponry?"

Lucy nods, and Banshee approaches the rack, "Which one catches your eye?" She points to a hefty-looking rifle with orange and tan stock, "Really? Didn't figure you for the high-power type. This is a baseline model from Häkke."

He brings it over, setting it on the table between them, "Fires fifty caliber rounds through a Solar infuser. It's semiautomatic with a six-round magazine and has a four- to fifteen-times magnification, vacuum-rated scope. The buttstock is adjustable with a button release on the underside of the cheek rest."

Lucy hefts the weapon to test its weight. Despite being nearly as tall as she is, the rifle is surprisingly light in her hands. The Exo gestures to the empty walkway between them and the view of the city, "See how it feels." She shoulders the weapon and makes a few adjustments to the stock. The rigid rubber cushion fits the crook of her shoulder better than expected.

Tracking a passing ship through the scope, its current settings are strong enough to see the pilot clearly. She gently squeezes the trigger until the firing pin clicks. A soft whump can also be heard from within. She places it on the table and nods briskly, "That feels good."

Banshee chuckles, "Alright then, how about something for close to medium-range engagements next?" He first pulls a short-barreled carbine from a back table, "This is the Armillary PSU. It's chambered in three-oh-eight, bullpup fed, with a sixteen-round capacity. I have one fitted with a four-times magnification holo-lense scope and another with a two-times red dot sight. They come standard with a fluted muzzle break, an attachment point for a bi-pod, and Picatinny rails on the foregrip."

Lucy quickly looks over it before setting it down, "Do you have something similar to the Fallen's scattershot weapon?" Banshee's eyes light up, "You mean their shrapnel launcher? Yeah..." He fetches a burnt orange and black weapon with a pistol grip, "The Antimuon ESc has a short barrel for close-quarters combat, but the choke gives it a fairly tight spread at range. The action is silky smooth, so you can empty the tube about as fast as you can cycle it. Which isn't hard considering it only holds five twelve gauge shells."

Lucy takes the shotgun in hand, pulling back the pump grip. She finds the loud clacking sound it makes to be oddly satisfying. As a smile creeps onto her face, Ikora laughs softly, "That brings back fond memories."

Banshee motions to a few duplicates behind him, "That one comes in a variety of Light modifications. That one houses an Arc capacitor that electrifies fired rounds." Lucy thinks back to all the damage the Fallen's shock weapons could inflict and sets the shotgun down next to her new rifle, "I think this one will be just fine."

Cayde-Six looks over the loadout and approvingly gestures, "Alright. Not a bad choice. Good complimenting features but both extremes. You still need a good in-between." He produces a large, black revolver with white spades and stripes painted on its frame, "Might I suggest a hand cannon? Compact. Good stopping power. Accurate to about fifty yards. Two hundred if you're me."

Unbound Fates Volume 1: AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now