28) 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑤/𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑏𝑢𝑟 ♥︎

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~ the next morning, 7am / Wilbur's apartment ~

        *beep beep beep!!! Beep beep beep!!!*

I'm reaching over to the little table next to the bed to turn off my alarm! It's 7am!
Today is a sort of, big day for us; we're going to France today! Tommy invited us to join him for 2 vlogs he's gonna do. I wonder what these 2 are...
„Wilbur! Lovely! Get up! We gotta wake up! We have to catch the plane for france!", I softly say, trying to wake Wilbur up.
„Mmhh...do we really have to?", Wilbur says in a sleepy voice.
„Uh yes? We agreed to it you dumbass!", I giggle, watching him slowly wake up.
„Why did I even agree to this? ok, I'm up", Wilbur says, rubbing his eyes.
Wilbur turns to me, gives me a kiss and then makes his way to the bathroom, while I make my way to the kitchen. Once Wilbur is ready, I hop into the shower and make myself ready as well.
We eat some breakfast and make sure we have our suitcases packed. We're gonna be away for a couple of days.
„Alright, do you have everything packed?", Wilbur makes sure before we step out of the door.
„Yep! Lets go! Where do we have to meet tommy again?", I ask, making my way to the door.
„Tommy said he's gonna meet us at the train station. Cuz that's where big russ is waiting for us as well", Wilbur asks. I nod in response.
And there we go! Leaving! I'm excited actually!

„Hey Tommy! They're here!", Phil almost shouts as tommy is busy talking to big Russ about something.
„WILL!! Y/N!!" ya ready for some fun hm??", tommy sprints towards us with a big smile.
„Tommy, it's early in the morning! My brain can't comprehend yet", Wilbur says, rolling his eyes.
„I'm excited if you ask me!", I say, smiling.
„Good! Then let's go! Get in the car guys!", tommy says, walking to the car.
Tommy sits in the passenger seat while big Russ is driving. Me, Wilbur, Phil and Kristin have to sit in the back.
„Then let's go!", big Russ says and up we go!
Before Russ even starts driving properly, tommy takes already out his camera. Oh no, is he gonna vlog already??

„This is eerie...this is really just, eerie!", tommy says as he starts recording. Wilbur makes a very creepy face as tommy records him.
„Just death stare into the void", Phil laughs.
„Here we go", I laugh.
As we're finally driving, we came to a traffic light. We had to wait for it to turn green.
„Aww Phil look!", tommy yells out, noticing a dog on the opposite street.
„Aww doggo! I love him awww", I say, noticing that cute dog!
„YOOOOOO!! Hey hey! Ask him if he wants a snack! Ask him! If he wants! A snack!", Wilbur says.
„Ay, do you want snack?", tommy laughs, recording the dog.
„I wanna give the dog a snack too! And can I pet him?", I say, pointing at the dog.
„Only if I can pet him too", tommy demands.
„No you give him snack, I pet him...eventually keep him! Wilbur do you want a dog?", I joke around looking at Wilbur, who gives me a weird look.
„What?", Wilbur says. Me and Tommy just ended up laughing while Phil is cracking up too.

About an hour drive later, we arrived at the airport!
Tommy hands over the camera to Phil, who has to vlog him now.
„Wow! I haven't been to an airport in 4 years! Vlog me! Vlog me", tommy says, as he walks into the airport.
we step in, walk to the baggage claim and give them our suitcases. We keep our smaller bags with us.
We walk through the security and once we made it through, tommy starts filming again.
„Oohh passport", tommy recording his passport while Wilbur slaps it out of his hand. „Ow!"
„ow!", Wilbur mocks tommy, who doesn't look too happy about it.
„... I don't sound like that. I have a masculine groan", tommy declares.
„yeah sure, whatever", I say sarcastically.
„Hey! Watch yourself y/n! I can easily send you back home", tommy says looking me straight in the eye.
„You wouldn't dare tommy! You would not dare", I say, raising an eyebrow.
„Oh I will dare y/n! Don't test me", tommy says sarcastically.
„I'm not scared of you", I laugh.
„You should be tho! Wilbur, tell her to fear me!", tommy trying to bring Wilbur into this.
„I think you should fear y/n tommy, cuz y/n can be capable to make you cry so stfu tommy", Wilbur says, rolling his eyes.
„Of course you're on y/n's side you little bitch", tommy says, scoffing.
„Of course I'm on her side you prick! She's my girlfriend", Wilbur says confidently, taking my hand.
„I can't believe you", tommy says.
„I win, you lose", I jokingly mock tommy.

We finally made it onto the plane after having to wait for a while.
„Time to go on the plane! Hopefully nothing awful happens", tommy says, again recording.
„Will you stop with that?", Phil giggles while stepping onto the plane.
We take our seats. Me and Wilbur have a seat next to each other, Phil and Kristin have one together and tommy and Russ have one together.
„We're on the plane vlog nation!", tommy says!
„Omg look how much room there is between us and Phil", Wilbur says as we look how much apart we sit with each other. „Leaving room for Jesus".
in that moment, Phil takes Kristin's hand and Wilbur had the wonderful idea to hold mine too, to match Phil.
"Look Phil! Me too!", Wilbur says, proudly taking my hand.
"Urgh, so much love in here. Too much love", tommy says disgusted.
Wilbur just smirks and keeps holding my hand.
You two will make this flight unbearable for me", tommy says, crossing his arms.
"No no no, the flight will be wonderful. Y/n is here with me and that's all that matters", Wilbur kissing my hand he's holding while looking at me.
"What a gentleman you are! I love being here with you", I say, leaning in for a kiss and him kissing me.
"I hate this already...", Tommy complains.
We just ignore him.

~45 mins later / Paris, France ~
~Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to France! Have an amazing time! Thank you for flying with us!~

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