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No One's POV:

Eunji cautiously pushed open the front door and peered inside, half-expecting to find Jimin sitting on the couch next to Taehyung. To her surprise, the house was quiet and devoid of any occupants. The relief washed over her like a breath of fresh air.

As she made her way up the stairs, thoughts of Jimin's confession continued to swirl in her mind. It was a peculiar feeling, one that sent her heart dancing and her stomach performing acrobatics. She couldn't help but smile, and at that moment, she could hear violins play and could see musical notes floating around.

Startled by the imaginary music, Eunji looked around, her smile dropping and she slapped herself. "Come on, Eunji, it's not like this is the first time someone has confessed to you," she scolded herself. Yet, a voice inside her head taunted her, reminding her that her long-standing crush had never confessed before.

She shook off her self-doubt and entered her room, tossing her bag onto a chair by her desk. The door clicked shut behind her, but she hadn't closed it. Eunji felt a tinge of anxiety. Was she about to be ambushed?

Turning around, she mumbled several hymns under her breath, her heart racing, only to find Jimin leaning casually against the doorframe, arms crossed. He locked eyes with her, raising an eyebrow as he tilted his head inquiringly.

Eunji gulped and offered a nervous laugh. "Jimin... Hi, how's life? Everything good?" She asked, attempting to maintain an air of innocence. Her heart pounded in her chest.

Jimin regarded her with an intense gaze, an unspoken demand for an explanation. Eunji stammered, searching for words.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but is your cat okay, though?" Jimin replied sweetly.

Eunji blinked in confusion. "What cat?" She asked.

Jimin's smile turned sad as he spoke, "The one you left in your microwave. Remember when I confessed to you, and you rejected me by telling me that you left your cat in the microwave, and then you ran away?"

Eunji's eyes widened as the pieces fell into place, and she realized her own absurdity.

Eunji felt guilt eating her up seeing him sad, it seems like Jimin genuinely liked Eunji and she ran away from his confession.

"I'm sorry I ran away, I did—" Eunji attempted to explain, but Jimin cut her off gently. "It's okay, you don't need to tell me you don't like me," he said with a fake laugh that didn't quite mask his disappointment.

"No, no, I do like you," Eunji insisted, determined to convey her feelings. But once again, Jimin interrupted her. "KNEW IT, I KNEW IT YOU LIKE ME," he exclaimed, his face lighting up with a mischievous smirk.

He playfully leaped onto her bed, propped himself up on his elbows, and winked at her. Eunji blushed profusely, struggling to find her words.

Jimin laughed, rose from the bed, and wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. "How are you so adorable? You make my heart so full when I look at you. I like you so much," he confessed, his voice tender and sincere.

"I like you a lot too, you know," Eunji admitted, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at him, her nervousness melting away into a genuine smile.

Jimin couldn't help but laugh at her cute smile, and he couldn't resist pecking her lips. Eunji froze for a moment, her face buried in his chest, and Jimin found her reaction endearing. 'God, save me, she's so cute,' he thought to himself.

Gently lifting her head with both hands, Jimin squished her cheeks. "Oh my god, you're so cute. I lo—like you so much," he stammered affectionately.

Encouraged by his earlier peck, Eunji leaned in and planted another sweet kiss on his lips. Jimin was momentarily taken aback but quickly recovered.

Their eyes locked, and Jimin sought permission silently, to which Eunji nodded in understanding. He delicately pressed his lips against hers, and she responded with a heartwarming smile. A flutter of butterflies filled their stomachs as they lost themselves in the kiss, their connection deepening.

Jimin slid his hand behind Eunji's neck and tilted his head slightly, pulling her closer. The kiss grew more intense, yet it was filled with pure, innocent love—no trace of lust. Years of longing had finally come to an end, uniting Jimin and Eunji in a perfect moment.

Their hearts beat as one, and in this moment, they became one too. As they broke the kiss, their foreheads met, and they exchanged warm breaths. "I like you a lot," Jimin whispered, his eyes locked onto hers.

"I like you more, just so you know," Eunji replied with a grin, and Jimin chuckled in response. "No way," He whispered teasingly before going in for another kiss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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