Can't eat - Louis

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Requested by - thumperglow

I had a lot of fun writing this. I think this was one of the most funniest and hardest to write so far! Thank you for your request, I hope you like it! <3

Ps. I went a little over board with this ;)

{~ 1800 words}

When Louis woke up, he smelled the delicious smell of freshly baked waffles made by his loving and caring boyfriend. He smiled, getting out of bed and into the en suite bathroom to brush his teeth. But when he put the toothbrush into his mouth and began scrubbing it against his teeth, Louis yelped and took it out again. Some where on the right side of his mouth, did a molar hurt and throb really bad. 

He winced and opened his mouth to look at him himself. There he saw a moral with a little black spot in the middle. Louis swallowed nervously, he knew it was a cavity and it needed attention from the dentist. But that's the point, Louis was scared of the dentist. He hated it when people went with creepy little needled in his mouth and poke at his gums. He hated it when they touched his mouth as It made him highly uncomfortable, only harry was allowed to touch his mouth and yes, in that way ;)

That's when Louis decided that he wasn't gonna tell Harry about it, because he will surely force him to go to the dentist and he absolutely didn't want that. As long as he kep it secret, he will be okay. 

But plans don't always go as they are planned.

Louis gently continued to brush his teeth, avoiding the one with the cravity to save him the pain. But he knew he had to eat, and that was the biggest challenge he had so far. It already hurt him to swallow and put his teeth together. And even without any touch or movement in his mouth, he felt a dul ache and he knew it was gonna get worse. But he was still set on not telling anyone and certainly not Harry.

Louis walked down the stairs and into the kitchen as casually as he can withour showing any signs of pain on his face. Harry could read him like an open book from miles afar and he certainly knew that with the littelest wince or noise of discomfort, Harry would notice something wasn't right and ask him about it. 

'Stay calm and act cool' Louis told himself and repeated it multiple times in his head before he softly and quietly sat down on a stool at the bar to keep as much attention from Harry away from him and watched harry cook. 

So far for being quiet when the stool Louis wanted to sit on fell to the ground when he tried to pull it away from under the bar. Harry turned around and looked surprised when he saw Louis. 

''Goodmorning!'' Did Harry greet. ''I didn't hear you coming in.'' He added. Then he turned back around to the stove to check on the pancakes he was baking at that moment. 

''Uhm, yeah. S'thought I could s- scare you, but planned ruined, I guess-s.'' Louis tried to laugh to cover up his lisp, but harry was already at his side looking at him worriedly. Louis cursed his hurting tooth under his breath. 

''Are you okay? You don't normally lisp.'' Said Harry. ''Is it something in your mouth? Let me check.'' Harry tried to pry Louis's mouth open, but Louis turned his head away. ''No, I'm s'just s'tired.'' Louis tried to cover, but Harry gave him a look. ''Louis, you never lisp, even when you're tired. Just tell me what's wrong.'' 

Louis was gonna open his mouth to tell another lie to Harry, but he got cut off by the fire dectector beeping loudly. ''Oh shoot!'' Harry ran to the stove to put it out. The pancake was completely black. He threw it away and put the hot pan under the cold water faucet, making hot steam go up into his face. ''Ah.'' Harry hissed, he closed the tab and let the pan fall into the sink. ''Louis could you please turn the fire detector off?'' Asked Harry as he ran upstairs to get a cool cloth for his hot face. 

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