Just A Dizzy Spell? - Harry

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Requested by - janop245

Harry's pov

"Harry, wake up, we have an interview." I heard someone whisper in my ear. It's hot breath in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"What?" asked, nit fully awake yet, so not aware of my surroundings or any thing in that matter.

"C'mon Hazza, you need to hurry, Paul will be here in half an hour." When the person said that, I jolted up and scrambled out if bed. My movements were a bit too fast as I got a dizzy spell, which I have a lot lately. This causes me to accidentally trip over the foot of the peron who woke me. When I looked at the person, I noticed it was Liam, who had woken me.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Y-yeah, sorry, just a dizzy spell." I responded. Liam looked at me worriedly, but probably decided not to question it further, as he walked out of the room.

I sighed and made my way to the bathroom, which was attached to my room. I already had chosen my clothes for the day yesterday, so they already were in the bathroom. I quickly took a shower and did other business, after that, I put in my clothes, did my hair a bit and brushed my teeth.

When I was done, I walked down stairs into the living room, to see the boys waiting on the Couch for me. Louis and Zayn having a conversation, while Niall and Liam were on their phones.

"HI babe." My boyfriend walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Hi, Lou." I greeted him back with a kiss on this lips and a smile.

"Ready to go?" Liam asked.

"Y-yeah." I replied, frowning when another dizzy spell hit me. I only got those when I stood up too fast. I pushed the thoughts in the back of my head and followed the boys outside to the black van parked in front of the apartment complex.

I got in as alst and sat down next to Louis, but while climbing inside, I had another dizzy spell and stopped my movements abruptly. I noticed all the boys looking at me with concern.

"I'm fine, sorry to scare you guys, or anything." I tried to assure them, though the look on their faces said it didn't help.

The drive to the studio where our interview will be, lasted almost an hour. All the way I held hands with Louis and looked out if the window. When we arrived at the studio, we climbed out of the car, you can already quess what happened, probably. Yup, I had another dizzy spell. This one was worse though, like really worse. I stumbled a bit, before falling down, luckily Zayn caught me, as he waited for me outside. I wish it was Louis, but I know he couldn't with management and all.

I don't know what exactly happened after that, but the thing I did know was that everything went black and the faint voice of Zayn calling for help.

''Harry?'' I heard someone whisper my name. I groaned, trying to open my eyes, but the bright light stopped me from doing so.

''Dim the lights.'' Now I recognized the voice as Louis'. ''Try again, babe.''

I tried to open my eyes again, this time I succeded. ''W-what happened?'' I asked. 

''You fainted Harry.'' I heard Niall's voice. I looked up and saw all the boys and a few of management's people. ''We brought you inside, you ok?''

''Y-yeah, I'm fine.'' I said and sit up, only to have a dizzy spell and lay back down again.

''Harry?'' I heard an unfamiliar voice call my name.

''Yes?'' I whispered as I looked up to see a woman with dirty blonde hair and a stethoscope around her neck.

''I'm doctor Sadie, and I'm gonna ask you a few questions, okay?'' She asked.

''Yeah, that's okay.'' I replied.

''Okay, first, do you have any dizzy spells lately?'' 

''Uhm... Yes?'' My answer came out as a questions.

''Yes?'' I nodded.

''Do you have any meds that can cause this?'' She asked her second question.

''Uhm, not that I know of, I only got meds for my anxiety, but I have that since I was thirteen, so...'' I trailed off.

''Do you eat and drink enough? What and when was the last time you've had someting to drink and eat?''

''I-'' I tried to remember, but I couldn't. This moring I hadn't had anything, I was too busy with getting ready to leave, that I forgot to actually eat and drink something. Yesterday I was busy with writing a song for our upcoming album, so I didn't eat or drink either. 


 I haven't really eaten or drank that well in the last few weeks, I was so busy with work.

''Uhm I don't really remember, I have been too busy with work.'' I answered her question. I heard her and the boys sigh.

''Harry, you need to eat and drink enough or you will keep fainting and having dizzy spells. You need to have three meals a day and at least eight glasses of something to drink, I recommend water, as that is the best.'' Sadie said.

''Okay.'' Is all I said.

''Here.'' Zayn said as he gave me a glass of water. I slowly sat up and took the glass from him. Louis sat next to me, having an arm wrapped around me.

''You boys need to make sure he drinks and eats enough, okay?'' Sadie asked.

''That's okay.'' Liam answered her.

''Good, I'll ne going now. Harry, don't forget to eat and drink.'' She warned me with a smile. I gave her a smile in return and thanked her, just like the other boys. When she was gone, Louis turned to me.

''Why didn't yiu said you're so busy with everything? I could've helped.'' He said.

''I'm sorry.'' I apologized.

''You don't have to be sorry, just let me know, Okay? Or at least someone. Now, c'mon, the interview is moved to another day, we have the day off.'' He stood up and helped me up as well.

We made our way outside and into the van, where Paul was waiting for us. He aksed me how I was, I said I was doing okay and Liam explained what happened, as he didn't know everything yet.

We all got seated in the van, with me and Louis in the backseat and the others in front of us. I immediately cuddled up to Louis and he kissed the top of my head, as I kissed his cheek.

''I love you.'' I said to him.

''I love you, too,''


I decided to put the two parts together since that's better lol✌🏻❤️

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